
  • 网络Sender;From;Sender MAC address
  1. sign添加签名,以验证发送方的身份。

    Sign adds a signature to verify the sender 's identity .

  2. 请注意发送方怎么将三个消息作为一个单独sequence的一部分来发送。

    Notice how a sender sends three messages as part of a single sequence .

  3. 在发送方,使用队列的send方法添加数据。

    On the sending side , you use the send method of the queue to add data .

  4. 于是,伪代理(rogueagent)模仿原发送方并签署被拦截的消息。

    The rogue agent then impersonates the original sender and signs intercepted messages .

  5. 设计出基于XML的数据安全交换系统,包括系统公共模块设计、数据发送方设计和数据接收方设计等;

    Designing the system of data safety exchange based on XML , including public models , sending models and receiving models .

  6. ApplicationServer提供一个框架,用于在消息的发送方一侧生成安全令牌,并在消息的接收方一侧验证这些安全令牌。

    Application Server provides a framework to generate security tokens on the sender side of the message and to validate these security tokens on the receiver side of the message .

  7. SSL提供了机密性和发送方/接收方身份验证。

    SSL provides confidentiality and sender / recipient authentication .

  8. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示发送方id是否应附在消息中。

    Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the sender ID should be attached to the message .

  9. 请注意,HTTP客户机(服务器)可以是发送方也可以是接收方。

    Note that an HTTP client ( server ) could be both a sender and a recipient .

  10. 发送方发送由CA签发的数字证书,而不仅仅是向接收方发送其公钥。

    Instead of simply sending its public key to the receiver , the sender sends its digital certificate issued by a CA.

  11. 另外,REJECT将错误消息发回给信息包的发送方。

    Also , REJECT sends back an error message to the sender of the packet .

  12. 应咨询WebSphereMQ管理员,以确保对发送方通道进行恰当配置。

    The WebSphere MQ administrator should be consulted to ensure that the sender channel is configured appropriately .

  13. 它可以用于发送方身份验证,在这种情况下HTTP客户机应该用来发送消息。

    These can be used for sender authentication , where the HTTP client is supposed to send a message .

  14. 信使(Messenger):将信息从发送方传输到接收方的中介。

    Messenger : Intermediary that transfers the message from the sender to the recipient .

  15. 这种通知广播最好留给发送方和接收方之间的Broker。

    This broadcasting of the notification is better left to the broker between the sender and the receivers .

  16. 允许发送方pollACK的目的地。

    Allows the sender to poll the destination for the ACKs .

  17. 使用XML数字签名技术和RSA算法保证数据的完整性、不可否认性和发送方身份认证;

    Using the technology of XML digital signature and RSA algorithm to ensure the integrity , message authentication and signer authentication of the data ;

  18. 它包括JMS消息发送方(生产者)和JMS消息接收方(消费者)。

    It consists of a JMS message sender ( producer ), and a JMS message receiver ( consumer ) .

  19. WebSphereMQ链接发送方通道建立到目标WebSphereMQ队列管理器上的接收方通道的连接。

    The WebSphere MQ link sender channel establishes a connection to a receiver channel on the target WebSphere MQ queue manager .

  20. 这种N:1的比例使SACK发送方可以打击非常强大的平台上的接收方。

    This N : 1 ratio allows SACK senders to overwhelm receivers on much more powerful platforms .

  21. Adapter的主要用途是实现接收方和发送方之间的消息转换,从而使这些组件互相连接。

    The main purpose of Adapter becomes the transformation of messages between Sender and Receiver so that these components can be interconnected .

  22. 应用MD5算法检修公文的完全性和BP神经网络实现发送方身份的认证。

    We use MD5 algorithm to examine the integrity of documents and BP neural network to verify the signer 's identity .

  23. 回送流程将包括两个基本任务―通过receive活动接收一条消息以及通过reply活动向发送方作出应答。

    The echo process will consist of two primitive tasks & receiving a message via the receive activity and replying to the sender via a reply activity .

  24. WebSphereMQ发送方通道将用于把消息从WebSphereMQ队列管理器发送到服务集成总线。

    The WebSphere MQ sender channel will be used to send messages from the WebSphere MQ queue manager to the service integration bus .

  25. SOAP消息也可以看作被交换的文档(Document),其中被交换数据的语义只在应用程序级(发送方和接收方)被了解。

    SOAP messages can also be viewed as Documents exchanged where the semantics of the data exchanged are known only at the application level ( sender or receiver ) .

  26. 该应用程序包括在J2EE客户端应用程序中运行的发送方部分,以及由一个消息驱动Bean表示的接收方部分。

    The application will consist of a sender part , running within a J2EE client application , and a receiver , represented by a message-driven bean .

  27. 在这种情况下,即使发送方有静态IP地址,每个ISP可能会从不同的域分配IP地址。

    In that case , even if the sender side has a static IP address , each ISP would assigning an IP address from a different domain .

  28. 接收方用CA的证书来验证发送方的证书,确定证书中所包含的公钥确实属于所有者。

    The receiver uses the CA 's certificate to verify the sender 's certificate , ascertaining that the public key contained in the certificate truly belongs to the owner .

  29. ReceiverMQchannelname:MQToBus(这可以是任意选择的名称,但它必须与队列管理器中的发送方通道名称相匹配。)

    Receiver MQ channel name : MQToBus ( This is a name of your choosing , but it must match the sender channel name in the queue manager . )

  30. notify()唤醒发送方线程,然后发送方线程退出监视器等候集,并重新申请监视器锁。

    This notify () wakes up the sender thread , which then exits the monitor wait set and reclaims the monitor lock .