
  1. 考特尼:或者,难道克里斯托弗发现凯特是个女巫?

    Courtney : Or else , Christopher finally figured out what a witch Kate is .

  2. 该片讲述了一个男孩发现了一个女巫大集会,但他还没来得及警告祖母就被变成了一只老鼠。

    The film follows a boy who discovers a coven of witches but is transformed into a mouse before he can warn his grandmother .

  3. 可是当她跑到一片低矮的篱笆前,小个子女巫一下子就消失在了视线中,等国王、江湖骗子和所有的朝臣绕到篱笆另一边时,发现那群追捕女巫的猎狗正围着一颗弯弯曲曲的老树狂吠、抓挠。

    But as she reached a low hedge , the little witch vanished from sight , and when the King , the charlatan and all the courtiers gained the other side , they found the pack of witch-hunting hounds barking and scrabbling around a bent and aged tree .