
fǎn xiàng
  • reverted image;image;reflected image;reverse image;mirror image
反像[fǎn xiàng]
  1. 对每次跌倒而立刻站起来、每次坠地反像皮球一样跳得更高的人,是无所谓失败的。

    To each time tumbles stands immediately , each time falls down the negative image rubber ball to jump equally a higher person , does not matter the defeat .

  2. 在波导中,由于波导的限制只能传输离散的模式,这些离散的不同模式的相干传输结果,在MMI器件中产生正像、反像和多重像的Talbot效应。

    The dispersion modes , which are interference , are only propagated in waveguides , which produce Talbot effects of positive image , inverted image and multi-imaging in MMI devices .

  3. 这让《理想国》看起来远不像是乌托邦,反像是极端的反乌托邦,从某些层面看来像是在讽刺所谓最佳政体。

    It would seem that far from utopia , the Republic represents a radical dystopia , a satire , in some sense , of the best polity .

  4. 下反稳像式坦克瞄准镜稳像原理的证明

    Demonstration of Image - stable Principle of Down-reflection Image - stable Tank Aiming Mirror

  5. 利用工程光学理论中的棱镜转动定理,充分证明了下反稳像式坦克瞄准镜的稳像原理。

    Image-stable principle of down-reflection image-stable tank aiming mirror is fully demonstrated with prism rotary principle of optical engineering theory .

  6. 没有让自己步入中年,让使自己现实起来,他反而是像一缕发丝般地飘走,在我一直担忧的50场音乐会即将来临之际,他被彻底地击溃了。

    Instead of entering middle age and letting himself be chained to earth , he has floated away like a wisp , annihilated on the brink of a50-date concert tour that I for one was dreading .

  7. 而化学位移反相位像上,全部病例均显示含脂病变部分与同相位比较有明显的信号下降,病变与正常肝组织之间的信号对比明显改善。

    On chemical shift images , compared with in phase , the signal intensities of fat content area within all lesions could be seen significant decreased , and it improved the contrast between the lesions and normal liver tissue .

  8. 采用负-正-正型式的反远距像方远心光路镜头结构,仅有三块非球面锗透镜构成。

    The optical system only consists of three germanium lenses with a " negative-positive-positive " reversed telephoto telecentric structure in the image space .

  9. 此刻,由于反作用,他像一架发条上得太紧的时钟一样精疲力竭了。

    Now , in the reaction , he was running down like an overwound clock .

  10. 对于当今欧洲大多数种族主义者而言,反犹太有点像挖鼻孔的习惯:最好不要摆到台面上做。

    For most European racists today , anti-Semitism is a habit rather like nose-picking : something best not done in public .

  11. 反奴隶制运动,像其他伟大运动一样,目标是成为好人,不是激情的结果,不是精神失调天才的发明。

    The anti-slavery movement , like other great movements whose aim has been the good of mankind , has not been the result of passion , has not been the invention of distempered genius .