
  • 网络bimetal composite pipe;bimetal clad pipe
  1. 热处理对双金属复合管X60/2205组织及力学性能的影响

    Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Bimetal Clad Pipe X60 / 2205

  2. 热载荷对双金属复合管结合强度的影响

    Influence of Heat Load to Glued Strength of Bimetal Composite Pipe

  3. 基于径向自紧密封的双金属复合管液压成形

    The Hydroforming Process with Radial Self-energizing Seal for Manufacturing Bimetal-lined Pipe

  4. 双金属复合管塑性成形技术的应用及发展

    Application and Development of Plastic Forming Technique for Double Metal Combined Pipe

  5. 半固态挤压铝/镁合金双金属复合管的有限元模拟

    FEM simulation on extrusion of double-layer tube of aluminum and magnesium alloys

  6. 双金属复合管冷斜轧工艺的成形过程分析

    Molding process analysis of bi-metal tubes with cold-cross-rolled process

  7. 20G/316L双金属复合管弧焊接头组织与性能

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of TIG welded 20G / 316L clad pipe joint

  8. 一种油气田开发用新型双金属复合管

    A New Type Dual Metal Clad Pipe for Exploring Oil / Gas Field

  9. 电热双金属复合管热传导的数值分析

    A Numerical Analysis of Heat Conduction for Bi - Metallic Electric Heating Complex Tube

  10. 通过该方法为同类双金属复合管的质量验收提供了一种可行性标准。

    This method provides a viable standard for the quality acceptance of the similar bimetallic tube .

  11. 俄罗斯开发出原子能发电站用双金属复合管生产新工艺

    New process technology developed by Russia for dual - metal clad tubes used for nuclear power station

  12. 分析了双金属复合管塑性成形的过程与机理。

    In this article , the process and the mechanism of plastic forming of double metal combined pipe were analyzed .

  13. 不锈钢/碳钢双金属复合管是20世纪后期发展起来的一种新型复合材料。

    Stainless steel inner-clad mild steel bimetallic tube is a new type of material that has been invented in the 20th century .

  14. 针对机械复合管塑性成型过程中的力学问题进行了有限元模拟研究,建立了模拟双金属复合管塑性成型的参数化有限元力学模型。

    In this paper , aiming at the mechanics in the plastic forming process of bi-metal composite pipes , the finite-element analysis is introduced .

  15. 现有的生产不锈钢/碳钢双金属复合管有好多方法,但是都具有相对局限性。

    Nowadays , although there are many producing methods of stainless steel inner-clad mild steel bimetallic tube , a simple effective method is to be invented .

  16. 介绍了国内外主要开发应用的冷成型法、热挤压法、离心铸造法和焊接法等内复合双金属复合管制造技术。

    This article introduces inner compound metal pipe manufacturing technology of the cold forming method , heat extrusion method and centrifugal foundry method as well as welding method .

  17. 介绍了内外层复合工艺、外覆防腐技术、管体间焊接工艺和双金属复合管的性能和使用。

    The cladding process , anti-corrosion technology of pipe outer surface , welding process of pipe and properties and ap-plication of bimetallic clad pipe are presented in this paper .

  18. 本文就双金属复合管塑性胀接复合成型理论进行了研究并开发出了复合管塑性成型装置。

    In this dissertation , the plastic expansion composite framing theroy and technology for bimetal tube had been researched and the equipment of bimetal tube plastic forming had been investigated .

  19. 通过实测数据与仿真数据的比较,神经网络优化处理后仿真的最大相对误差为2.1%。铸造过程的仿真为双金属复合管的设计和工艺制订提供了理论依据。

    By contrasting the data of simulation with those of testing , the maximum relative error of simulation is 2.1 % , and the theory basis is presented for updating design and technology .

  20. 用热电偶对双金属复合管铸造温度场进行了实测,并以温度场实测数据为样本,仿真了双金属复合管充型凝固过程的温度分布。

    The solidifying temperature of double-metal composite bend pipe is tested by thermo-couples , the data of specimens obtained by the testing results of temperature field is trained , the temperature distribution during filling and solidification is simulated .

  21. 内复合双金属复合管,用在流体输送中既有效的防止流体中有害介质对管道的腐蚀,又节约了大量的贵金属材料,从而降低了成本。

    Inner compound metal pipe is used for the transmitting of liquid medium , it is not only prevent the harmful medium from corrosion of the pipe , but also save lots of metal material and reduce the cost .

  22. 2205双相不锈钢双金属复合管焊接工艺研究

    Welding Procedure Research on 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Bimetal Pipe