
  • 网络Double compensation;DOUBLE INDEMNITY
  1. 在生活中许多人往往会花更多的钱获得双重赔偿保险公司有太多的不确定性和不可预测的情况。

    In life many people tend to pay more for getting double indemnity from insurance company as there are too many uncertainties and unpredictable circumstances .

  2. 失之交臂:最佳男配角,1944——他的演技很浮夸,但也有少数为他量身打造的角色,比如《双重赔偿》中的巴顿·凯斯。

    Most robbed for : Supporting Actor , 1944 - He had flashier parts , but few as perfectly-tailored to him as sympathetic adjuster Barton Keyes in Double Indemnity .

  3. 不可获得双重赔偿的原则〔暴力及执法伤亡赔偿计划〕

    No double compensation principle [ Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Scheme ]

  4. 规制侵害身体权的行为,应坚持财产损失全额赔偿、精神损害惩罚性赔偿的双重赔偿原则。

    This paper proposes a double compensation system : total compensation for property loss and punitive compensation for moral damage .

  5. 如允许受害人就两项请求权分别提出,则可完全实现加害给付造成的所有损害的填补,但如此就与传统责任竞合理论相违背且容易造成加害人双重赔偿;

    However , it is contrary to the logic of overlapping liabilities and is easy to lead to dual compensation in that case .

  6. 其意义在于防止被保险人获得双重赔偿、弥补保险人损失以及追究第三者的应负责任等。

    It is designed for preventing the insured from profiting by insurance , making up the loss of the insurer , and claiming for indemnity from the third party .

  7. 赔偿就具有报应和预防的双重功能。赔偿在一定程度上就是现代的报应,通过赔偿被害人及其家属的损失,实现了一定程度上的报应正义。

    The compensation has the dual function of retribution and prevention , compensation is the modern retribution to some extent , compensation for the loss of the victims and their families achieve retributive justice to a certain degree .