
  • 网络dual-medium;double media;binary medium
  1. 裂缝渗透率依赖于压力的双重介质油藏压裂产能模拟

    Productivity Simulation of Dual-medium Reservoir Fracture with Fracture Permeability Depending on Pressure

  2. 通过对常见油藏中多重介质渗流模型的适用性进行分析得出以下结论:①不能因碎屑岩孔隙可分为孔和喉道而将其简化为双重介质渗流模型;

    Generally the adaptability of multi-medium percolation model of conventional reservoirs are analyzed , the conclusion is obtained , which includes that : because the clastic rock porosity is divided into pore and pore throat , it can not be simplified as dual-medium percolation model ;

  3. 利用X-CT研究大庆油田双重介质裂缝和砂岩孔隙度

    Measurement of Fracture and Porous Porosity in Double Medium of Daqing Oil Field by X CT Imaging Process

  4. 根据不稳定试井Horner曲线形态,可以把相应的储集层流动系统划分为三大类(孔隙流动系统、双重介质流动系统、裂缝流动系统)五个亚类。

    The reservoir flow systems can be classified into three types ( pore , dual porosity and fracture flow syatems ) composed of five subtypes .

  5. 根据双重介质的特征和水平井三维渗流的特征,通过连续点源方法建立了双重介质三维渗流模型,经Laplace空间数值反演得到实空间的压力响应。

    Based on porous flow characteristics of horizontal wells in a 3D dual porosity medium , a mathematical model describing fluid flow in the medium is presented by continuous point source method . Pressure responses in real time domain are obtained by means of Laplace numerical inversion .

  6. 利用Hill-Walker递归方法,将均质油藏的结论推广到双重介质油藏,给出了实空间和拉氏空间中水平井的压力动态,并做了渐近分析。

    Pressure behavior of horizontal well in dual media reservoir with pseudolinear flow were obtained by using Hill-Walker method , and approximate solution was presented by approximate formula of Laplace transformation .

  7. 以Warren-Root模型为基础,引入分形参数和压缩系数,考虑压力对具有分形特征的渗透率和孔隙度的影响,建立变形双重介质分形气藏渗流数学模型。

    Based on the Warren-Root model , introducing fractal parameter and deformable coefficient and considering the effect of pressure on permeability and porosity , we construct a seepage flow model for pressure-sensitive deformable double media fractal gas reservoirs .

  8. 单轴作用下岩土材料的双重介质本构模型

    Double-Medium Constitutive Model of Geological Material in Uniaxial Tension and Compression

  9. 双重介质模型中地下水运动的环境示踪

    Study on groundwater model in double porous media using environmental tracers

  10. 一类变形双重介质渗流模型解的存在性分析

    Existence analysis of deformed dual media flow through porous media solution

  11. 采动空间瓦斯运动的双重介质模型

    Double - medium Model of Gas Movement in Mining Influence Space

  12. 变形双重介质广义流动分析

    Generalized Flow Analysis of Fluid in Deformed Reservoir with Double-Porosity Media

  13. 裂隙双重介质地下水运动参数反演分析

    Inverse analysis of parameters for groundwater movement in fissured double media

  14. 肝脏小叶的双重介质渗流模型及渗流模式

    A Double Porosity Model and Flow Pattern for the Liver Lobule

  15. 双重介质示踪剂径向输运问题的一组新解析解

    A New Analytical Solution of Tracer Radial Transport in Dual-porous Media

  16. 双重介质复合油藏垂直裂缝井压力动态模型

    Pressure dynamic model of vertical fracture well in dual-porosity composite reservoir

  17. 变形双重介质分形气藏非线性渗流理论模型及数值研究

    A Nonlinear Seepage Flow Model for Deformable Double Media Fractal Gas Reservoirs

  18. 双重介质油藏物模实验技术及渗流特征研究

    Study on physical modeling and percolation characteristics in dual - media reservoirs

  19. 双重介质地层变井筒储集效应典型曲线特征分析

    Analysis of typical curves for variable wellbore storage of double porosity system

  20. 晚期的平均双重介质球形流阶段。

    Ellipsoid flow period in dual porosity media in the late stage .

  21. 二维孔隙裂隙双重介质逾渗规律研究

    Study on percolation law of 2D porous and fractured double - medium

  22. 双重介质油藏中拟线性流水平井的压力动态

    Pressure Behavior of Horizontal Well in Dual Media Reservoir with Pseudolinear Flow

  23. 非均匀煤岩双重介质渗流-应力耦合模型

    Double Media Seepage-Stress Coupling Model for Heterogeneous Coal and Rock

  24. 特征值分析方法在确定双重介质特征参数中的应用

    Proper Valve Method Applied in the Characteristic Parameters of Dual-porosity

  25. 红岩煤矿岩溶双重介质对降雨响应特征的研究

    Double faces the response features of bimodal karstic flow media to precipitation

  26. 低渗透双重介质垂直裂缝井产能分析

    Deliverability analysis of vertical fracture wells in low permeability dual porosity reservoir

  27. 火成岩双重介质油藏测井参数评价技术

    Logging interpretation technique for double media reservoir of igneous rock

  28. 煤岩体孔隙裂隙双重介质逾渗机理研究

    Percolation mechanism of fractured coal rocks as dual - continua

  29. 双重介质油藏压力动态分析的边界元方法

    Boundary element method for pressure transient analysis of double-porosity reservoir

  30. 双重介质油藏水平井试井分析方法

    Analysis method of transient test for horizontal well in dual porosity reservoir