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shuāng shēng
  • alliteration;a phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant
双声 [shuāng shēng]
  • [a phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant; alliteration] 声母相同的两个字或几个字叫双声,例如公共( gōng gòng)

双声[shuāng shēng]
  1. 但不同的文化背景和社会习俗导致了人类语言的千差万别,汉语双声、迭韵与英语alliteration和assonance既有共性,又存在着跨文化差异。

    However , different cultural backgrounds and social customs give rise to the immense variety of human languages . There exist not only similarities but also differences between Chinese alliteration assonance and English alliteration assonance .

  2. 诗歌中的双声叠韵既是语言现象,又是艺术现象。

    Alliteration and assonance is not only a language phenomenon , but also an artistic one in poems .

  3. Y型和S型组合双声路SAW质量传感器研究

    Study on Y-Type and S-Type Combinational Dual-Path Saw Mass Sensor

  4. 应用P矩阵法推导了Y型、S型及一字型双声路声表面波质量传感器件的传输特性;

    Transmission characteristics of Y type S type and " - " type SAW mass sensors are derived by P matrix representation .

  5. 双声光二维Q开关提高Nd∶YAG激光器关断损耗

    Improving Switch Loss of Nd ∶ YAG Laser by Double Acousto-optic Devices Two-dimensional Q-switch

  6. 双声光二维Q开关

    Double Acousto-optic Devices Two-dimensional Q-switch

  7. 基于WO3薄膜的双声路声表面波型SO2气体传感器

    Dual track surface acoustic wave SO_2 gas sensor based on WO_3 films

  8. 本文对Y型和S型双声路SAW质量传感器件传输特性进行详细测试分析,在非振浙江大学博士学位论文荡模式下测试了Y型和S型双声路SAw器件的频域特性和时域特性;

    Y type and S type dual-path SAW mass sensors have been tested and analysed in detail . Their frequency domain characteristics and time domain characteristics have been tested under non-oscillatory mode .

  9. 新生豚鼠高胆红素血症时双声刺激P50变化的实验研究

    A Study on the Change of Sensory Gating of Guinea Pigs in Hyperbilirubinemia

  10. 因而双声和多声的效果被传达。

    Therefore , the dual voice or even polyphonic effects are conveyed .

  11. 耗散量子隧道系统中的双声子相干态

    Two-phonon coherent states in a dissipative quantum tunneling system

  12. 翻译:一种双声的对话&解析道格拉斯·罗宾逊的翻译对话理论

    Translation as a Double-Voiced Dialogue : An Analysis of Douglas Robinson 's Dialogics

  13. 汉语双声、迭韵与英语Alliteration&Assonance的跨文化差异

    Cross-cultural Differences Between Chinese " Alliteration Assonance " and English " Alliteration Assonance "

  14. 双声源法调制回热器边界声场的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis for modulating acoustic boundary conditions of a regenerator by double acoustic drivers

  15. 双声路声表面波质量传感器的研究

    Study on A Dual-Path SAW Mass Sensor

  16. 模仿织体。即低声部以自由模仿上声部的旋律而构成双声的迭置。

    Imitative Songs . a low voice imitates the melody of a high voice , and they overlap .

  17. 来自民间的语言要素是嘲讽与赞美的结合,因而具有双声效果。

    Language component from the folk is the combination of sneer and praise , so it has double-meaning effects .

  18. S型声表面波质量传感器采用中心对称的双声路结构,一声路作为参考声路;另一声路作为测量声路。

    Two centrosymmetry acoustic paths , which one acoustic path for reference and another acoustic path for measurement are used .

  19. 我们也预计将在四月一日举办台湾双声代国际演讲会成立大会,该大会将以中文为主要语言。

    We are also planning to hold our charter presentation on April1st , in which mandarin will be the main language .

  20. 围绕作品语言构成的有复调、双声与杂语理论。

    There are theories of Polyphony , dual sound and miscellaneous languages that focus on the language structure of the work .

  21. 庐隐:中国现代女性写作的拓荒者&兼论中国现代女性写作的双声语境

    Lu Yin : The Pioneer of Chinese Contemporary Female Writing ── On the Dual Track Discourse of Chinese Contemporary Female Writing

  22. 阐述了Y型双声路质量传感器器件的结构及设计、测试电路的原理,对实验结果作了分析讨论。

    The design and configuration of Y-type dual path SAW mass sensor 、 principles of test circuit and experiment results have been explained .

  23. 第三章:从声韵角度分析了《文选》五言诗的音乐性,并结合具体作品重点突出了韵的音响效果,同时对双声叠韵在选诗中对音乐性的强化也作了说明。

    Combined with the specific works it highlights the sound rhymes ; meanwhile describe the strengthening of alliteration and assonance in selecting the music .

  24. 该测量系统显示直观,精度高,是双声路声表面波质量传感器理想的测量系统。

    The measurement system has merits of visual display and high accuracy , which is an ideal measurement system for dual-path SAW mass sensor .

  25. 杜甫最善于使用双声叠韵,其数量之多,结撰之精妙,是其他诗人不及的。

    Du Fu is most skillful in using alliteration and assonance in his poems and he uses it most often than any other poets .

  26. 第三章主要从双性和谐世界的提出、躯体写作批评和双声话语等方面讨论新时期女性主义文学批评成熟期的特点。

    Chapter three analyzes its characteristics in the mature period from the invention of binary harmonious world , criticism with body writing and compound language .

  27. 汉语谚语的语调表现出音乐美,主要是因为谚语在语音上讲究押韵和平仄,使用双声、叠韵字。

    The tones of Chinese Proverbs show musical mainly because the voice stress on Proverbs rhyme and ze , and use alliteration and rhyme stacks .

  28. 易安词双叠的妙用及叠韵双声的美学探微双声源法调制回热器边界声场的理论分析

    The aesthetic meaning of reiterative locution in LI Yi-an s Ci ; Theoretical analysis for modulating acoustic boundary conditions of a regenerator by double acoustic drivers

  29. 最后,除去偶然因素,上字与被切字双声叠韵也是一个重要原因。

    Finally , in spite of the accidental factors , an important reason is that Fanqie top words and the sliced words are alliteration and assonance .

  30. 由于环境温度对声表面波质量传感器性能影响较大,因此采用新型的Y型双声路结构克服环境温度对传感器性能的影响。

    As the characteristics of SAW sensor are greatly influenced by temperature , Y-type dual path structure SAW mass sensor is used to reduce its temperature effects .