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pái huái
  • wander;linger;hesitate;range;loiter;teeter on;pace up and down;linger about;hang about;tramp;stravaig
徘徊 [pái huái]
  • (1) [hang about;pace up and down]∶在一个地方来回地走

  • 他在街上徘徊

  • (2) [hesitate]∶比喻犹豫不决

  • 三纳之而未克,徘徊容与,追者益近。--明. 马中锡《中山狼传》

  • (3) [teeter on]∶危险常顾

  • 经常在崩溃的边缘徘徊

徘徊[pái huái]
  1. 当我躺在夜晚的黑暗中,对你的思念无穷无尽,在我沉闷的脑海里,对你的记忆徘徊不去。

    Missing you is delayed , as I lay in the night 's darkness , memories of you still linger about , in my sleepy mind .

  2. 虽然他会在其中挣扎和徘徊,但是正是这些独特的惆怅才造就了不一样的石涛。

    It is this special anxiety that brings up particular painter named Shi Tao although he may struggle and hesitate in the road to success .

  3. 有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。

    There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens .

  4. 追星族在酒店外徘徊。

    Fans were milling around outside the hotel .

  5. 气温在冰点上下徘徊。

    Temperatures hovered around freezing .

  6. 他们的经济徘徊在崩溃的边缘。

    Their economy is teetering on the brink of collapse

  7. 他的高尔夫球差点一直在10杆到12杆之间徘徊。

    His golf handicap hovered between 10 and 12 .

  8. 3月份的美国失业数据显示失业率一直徘徊在7%上下。

    US unemployment figures for March showed the jobless rate stuck at 7 per cent

  9. 贝茜身穿华丽的深蓝色天鹅绒衣服,在桌旁徘徊。

    Bessie , resplendent in royal blue velvet , was hovering beside the table .

  10. 3个月来她一直在死亡线上徘徊,而医生则在全力挽救她的生命。

    She hovered on the brink of death for three months as doctors battled to save her

  11. 朱迪丝在门口徘徊。

    Judith was hovering in the doorway

  12. 有3家宾馆已破产在管,其他几家正在破产的边缘徘徊。

    Three of the hotels are in receivership , and others are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy

  13. 他在她的窗下流连徘徊。

    He was lingering about under her window .

  14. 乳牛在草地上徘徊。

    Cows were roaming the grassland .

  15. 卡斯帕在壁炉架附近徘徊。

    Caspar lingered near the chimney-piece .

  16. 在美国的自由理想中,公民们发现了经济独立带来的尊严和保障,而不是徘徊在生存边缘的辛苦劳作。

    In america 's ideal of freedom , citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence , instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence .

  17. 在这种心态中徘徊时,你将为你的人生打开一个新维度。

    Wander in this frame of mind and you will open a new dimension to your life .

  18. 徘徊不前停止不前且踌躇不前;畏缩不前

    To stop short and turn restively from side to side ; balk .

  19. 我发现了正在徘徊的衰老游唱诗人。

    I find him , the wandering grey bard .

  20. 我徘徊在十字街口,看着影子孤独的行走

    I paced and down on the crossroad , seeing my shadow walking solitarily !

  21. 七十春秋减二十,仅剩五十余徘徊。

    And take from seventy springs a score , It only leaves me fifty more .

  22. 这一切改变都得益于我在生命边缘徘徊的那几年。

    All this , I owe to that long time spent on the sidelines of life .

  23. 他怀里揣着弹弓,一连三个早晨在吴工的后花园里徘徊,露水湿透了他的衣服。

    He carried a slingshot , and for three consecutive days paced up and down in the King 's back garden . The dew wetted his clothes all through .

  24. 而我在我的网站上收到的最令人痛心的邮件事实上就是出自徘徊在疲劳殆尽边缘的青少年之手他们恳求我给他们的家长写信,帮助他们放慢节奏,帮助他们摆脱这超速的运转。

    And some of the most heartrending emails that I get on my website are actually from adolescents hovering29 on the edge of burnout , pleading with me to write to their parents , to help them slow down , to help them get off this full-throttle treadmill30 .

  25. 讨论了一般电路上的随机徘徊,验证了电路与可逆的遍历Markov链是一一对应的;

    Secondly , we discuss random walks on general networks , prove that there is an one to one correspondence between networks and reversible ergodic Markov chains ;

  26. 耦合随机徘徊过程的直观描述为:在每个u∈S处,有一个指数钟,这些指数钟相互独立,服从参数为1的Poisson分布。

    The intuitive description of coupled random walk processes is that at each u ∈ S there is an exponential clock . These exponential clocks using a Poisson distribution with one parameter are independent of each other .

  27. 固定资产投资对GDP的拉动指数从1990~1993年迅速递减后一直徘徊在4左右,使基础设施能力的发挥受到限制,也影响了对外来投资的吸引力。

    The driving index of the investment in fixed assets to GDP was waving around 4 after a sharp decrease between 1990 and 1993 , which limited the performance of the infrastructure capacity in Jiangxi and hence affected its attraction to foreign investment .

  28. 对于徘徊行为检测,本文采取离散曲率熵判定算法检测ROI(感兴趣区域)内行人的徘徊行为,一旦满足徘徊条件,给予报警。

    In this thesis , judging in ROI ( region of interesting ) based on discrete curvature entropy is used for loitering detection , and once the behaviors meet loitering condition , the alarm is raised .

  29. 罗纳德里根(ronaldreagan)在任内经历过一模一样的时刻在1982年的中期选举中,他也因经济衰退和失业率高企而陷入困境,民意支持率与奥巴马一样在45%左右徘徊。

    Ronald Reagan at precisely the same moment in his administration the midterm of 1982 his presidency similarly bogged down in recession and high unemployment , had identical poll numbers as Mr Obama , stuck around the mid-40s .

  30. 本文对一种具有可变置位随机徘徊滤波(VR-RWF)的脉冲式多级量化数字锁相环的性能作了分析。

    In this paper the theoretical analysis of performances of a Pulse Multilevel Quantized DPLL is given .