- 名Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

he retires next week as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .
After Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in New Delhi , Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen landed in Islamabad to meet with senior Pakistani officials .
The Pentagon itself was rattled by the 2008 attack , a breach significant enough that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs briefed then-President George W. Bush .
Admiral Mike Mullen , the Joint Chiefs chairman , says the United States should know by the end of this year whether the strategy is working .
Last month Admiral Mike Mullen , chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of staff , accused China of " myopia " for not putting more pressure on North Korea .
After finishing his synopsis , Reagan turned to Gen. John W. Vessey Jr. , the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , and asked : " Could something like this really happen ? " Could someone break into our most sensitive computers ?
At a congressional hearing earlier this month Leon Panetta , the outgoing secretary of defence , and General Martin Dempsey , the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , revealed that they had recommended arming the rebels .
Earlier this week the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Admiral Mike Mullen , traveled to Islamabad to conduct high level meetings with Pakistani officials , including General Kayani .
The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has reportedly spoken with his Egyptian counterpart .
On June 16 , Perry and Joint Chiefs Chairman John Shalikashvili were called in to brief President Clinton .
The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff , General Martin Dempsey , finds it 's significant .
The threats are a response to testimony last week by South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Kim Tae-young .
Tomorrow , Secretary Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen head over to the House Arm Services Committee .
Admiral Mike Mullen says he found more progress on security than he had expected when he visited Iraq last week .
General Dempsey is chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , and the senior ranking member of the U.S. Armed Forces .
Well , the policy came together after more than a year 's effort by Secretary Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Demspey .
In Islamabad , the admiral asked Pakistani leaders to aggressively look into possible links between groups in the country and the Mumbai attack .
The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff , Martin Dempsey , says the deal would be probably the last best opportunity to free Bergdahl .
Joint Chief Chairman General Martin Dempsey said today the massive data dump would take at least 2 years to study just determine the magnitude of the losses .
That was a response to testimony by South Korea 's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites .
This hour , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen are appearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee .
Earlier , in a Rose Garden ceremony , he confirmed his choice of U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .
At a ceremony outside the Pentagon , the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Admiral Michael Mullen , d the pain that s 10 years after the attacks .
South Korea 's Joint Chiefs of Staff say the armed forces will go on a " Level 3 " alert , which is the highest , starting at the end of this month .
The U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Admiral Mike Mullen , says he sees a growing belligerence on the part of North Korea and a rising defiance of international law .
During a visit to Kabul this week , Admiral Michael Mullen said U.S. officials now believe that Pakistan 's Federally Administered Tribal Areas , called FATA , are attracting an increasing number of foreign fighters .
A number of other prominent Americans have come to the region to hold talks with Indian and Pakistani officials . They include three senior American senators and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Admiral Mike Mullen .
Admiral Mullen , who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , spoke just a few days after news organizations quoted an unnamed senior defense official as saying there is increased likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran before the end of the year .
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Admiral Mike Mullen , said the U.S. desire to put a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic , which Russia strongly opposes , will be a key topic of his talks in Moscow .
Several days ago , North Korea warned it may turn the South into a " sea of ashes . " That was a response to testimony by South Korea 's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites .