
yuán zhuāng jìn kǒu
  • imported with original packaging
原装进口[yuán zhuāng jìn kǒu]
  1. 铁芯:采用优质晶粒取向冷轧硅钢片。其型号为:(原装进口)生产厂家:日本新日铁(川崎,德国)

    Iron core : High quality grain orientated cold rolled silicon steel sheet . Model : ( imported with original packaging ) Manufacturer : Japan Nippon Steel ( kawasaki , Germany )

  2. 法国波尔多(Bordeaux),AOC,原装进口。公司老板与其法国朋友深入法国村庄,一路旅行,一路品鉴,觅得。

    Company bosses and their French friends in-depth French villages , all the way to travel all the way Tasting and find .

  3. 结论:自制鞘液替代原装进口鞘液在UF-100尿液沉渣分析仪上使用可达实验要求。

    Conclusion It can live up to test require through replacing the imported sheath fluid in the original package with the self-designed .

  4. 公司拥有先进的,原装进口的生产设备和测试设备。

    PULIGE is equipped with advanced manufacturing machines and sophisticated instruments .

  5. 原装进口的家用电器的确与众不同。

    Household electric appliances imported with original packing are really distinct from others .

  6. 怎么样鉴别“郎枫”葡萄酒是原装进口?

    How to know it is original import ?

  7. 原装进口直线导轨,机械运行京都好,稳定性强。

    Imported linear guide rail assure the mechanical system runs in high precision and more stability .

  8. 上装部分,全套韩国原装进口,绝缘性好,安全性高;

    The upper part is imported fully from South Korea , which has good insulation and high security .

  9. 动力系统、密封件、液压管路均原装进口,安全可靠,故障率低。

    Power system , seals , hydraulic pipes are imported , safe and reliable , failure rate is low .

  10. 设备主要配置均采用来自意大利,日本及德国等国的顶级原装进口部件。

    Device configuration is primarily from Italy , Japan and the Germany imported from countries such as the top-level part .

  11. 本品采用澳洲原装进口葡萄酒汁,传统的澳洲混合酒制作方法酿造。

    This product is the use of imported Australian wine sauce , the traditional method of making Australia mixed liquor brewing .

  12. 可根据客户要求配备美国原装进口海宝等离子发生器和国产等离子发生器。

    It could be equipped with Hypertherm plasma generator imported from America or plasma generator made in China as required by users ;

  13. 对螺杆、机筒和减速箱有更高要求的客户,还可选配欧洲原装进口产品。

    For those customers who request screw & barrel and gearbox critically , the European imported products would be the good choices .

  14. 所有的施耐德日盛集团服务人员都只使用经过持久质量认证的原装进口零配件以确保使用的可靠性和持久性。

    All service representatives from SCHNEIDER-SUNSHINE group only use long-term qualified spare parts imported from overseas , to ensure its reliability and permanence .

  15. 在产品销售上是以工业用配件为主,原装进口。客户均能以最低价格购买高质量的产品。

    We are committed ourselves to the goal of best customer service , and best supply in many categories of high-quality and lowest-price products .

  16. 静电板采用日本原装进口件,其它零配件也大量采用了进口产品。

    Japanese originally imported pieces for static boards , and a great number of imported products are also used for other parts and components .

  17. 显微镜装置为专门销往韩国、美国的出口产品,镜体由国内专业工厂制造,配备原装进口光学镜片。

    The Microscope is the specialized exports sold to South Korea , the United States ; the mirror body is manufactured professionally and equipped with imported optical lenses .

  18. 结果:自制鞘液与原装进口鞘液的各项检测参数差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results There was not significant in all the detected parameters by used the self-designed sheath fluid and the imported in the original package ( P > 0.05 ) .

  19. 进口高密度吸银海绵,减少洗牌时产生的碰撞声:日本原装进口电机,确保使用稳定性。

    Import the degree of high density to inhale silver sponge , when reducing shuffle the collision that produces sound : Japan packs import generator , ensures to use stability .

  20. 公司主要经营进口人头马洋酒、轩尼诗洋酒、马爹利洋酒拿破仑洋酒、卡慕洋酒,法国原装进口葡萄酒、国产名优酒的贸易。

    The main products imported Ren Touma wine , wine Hennessy , Martell wine Napoleon wine , wine Camus , the French original imported wines , domestic famous wine trade .

  21. 均采用进口马来西亚红木及天然材料构建,洁具及五金件均为原装进口。

    The resort construction features tropical style , and constructed by imported Malaysia Rosewood and natural materials , and the toilet utensils and hardware fittings are imported in original packaging .

  22. 西班牙原装进口:贝克红。口感:有清淡的香草味,在橡木桶中纯酿。

    Tasting Notes : The flavours remind of red fruits , due to Garnacha , with a slight touch of vanilla , result of the maturing in good new oak barrels .

  23. 光纤激光打标机采用原装进口光纤激光器一体化整体结构,无光学器件污染采用风冷系统。

    The quality of " TEMOO " laser beam produce by the imported air cooling fiber laser system is much better than the laser beam produce by the traditional YAG laser system .

  24. 采用欧美原装进口压缩机及进口水泵,运行噪音更低、省电耐用、使用寿命长。

    It is equipped with the original compressor and the water pump imported from the Europe or USA , featuring low operating noise , electricity saving , perfect durability and long service life .

  25. 方法:含有泊洛沙姆的自制鞘液与原装进口鞘液对新鲜尿液标本及进口配套质控物作对比实验。

    Methods Detecting different components of fresh urine and coordinated imported quality control substance by using the self-designed sheath fluid containing poloxamer and the imported in the original package separately , and compared the results .