
  • 网络atomizer
  1. 石墨炉原子化器的表面性质对Cu、Pb原子吸收信号的影响

    Influence of surface properties of graphite furnace atomizer on the atomic absorption signals of copper and lead

  2. APA-1型自动探针原子化器的研制

    Model APA 1 Automatic Probe Atomizer

  3. 提出一种V型舟石墨炉原子化器。

    A furnace atomizer with the V-shaped boat was proposed .

  4. 在电加热石英管原子化器中得到的测定灵敏度为0.007μg(1%吸收),比文献报道值提高了一个数量级。

    The sensitivity of determination in the electrically heated quartz tube atomizer is 0 . 007 μ g / 0 . 0044 which is one order of magnitude better than that reported earlier .

  5. 将自制钽丝圈原子化器与原子吸收光谱仪联用,以氩气作保护气,测定了Cd、Cu、Mn、和Pb,研究这一原子化器的性能。

    A self _ assembled tantalum coil atomiser for atomic absorption spectrometry is described . Pro_perties of the atomiser for the determination of Cd , Cu , Mn and Pb were studied using Ar as protecting gas .

  6. 采用单缝石英管技术作为火焰原子化器的原子捕集阱,以火焰法测定地表水中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd等痕量元素,进一步提高了石英管法的灵敏度。

    Taking single-edge slotted quartz tube as flame atomic-trap , using flame atomic-absorption spectrometry to determine trace Cu , Pb , Zn and Cd elements in surface water , so that the sensitivity of the quartz tube will be increased .

  7. 此外,还对二极管激光器光源进入AAS领域后引起的变化和各种小型、微型原子化器的出现所兴起小型专用AAS实验仪器装置,以及一次测量背景校正技术的商品化等等作了介绍。

    The changes as a result from the introduction of diode laser source , micro-atomizer and one measurement technique of background correction into atomic absorption spectrometer as well as the appearance mini and micro atomic absorption spectrometer for special purpose were introduced .

  8. 研究了声光可调滤光片(AOTF)的性能,并以AOTF为波长选择系统,钽丝为原子化器,用原子吸收光谱法测定了Na。

    An experimental setup for atomic absorption spectrometry with a tantalum coil as the atomizer , and an acousto optic tunable filter ( AOTF ) as the wavelength selector was described . By using the atomic absorption spectrometry ( AAS ) Na was determined .

  9. 缝式石英管原子化器用于氢化物原子吸收光谱分析的研究

    The application of slotted silica tube in hydride EVOLUTION-ATOMIC absorption analysis

  10. 等离子体作为原子化器在原子荧光和原子吸收光谱分析中应用的进展

    Advances in Application of Plasma as Atomizer in AFS and AAS

  11. 电热原子化器的单片机程控电源研制

    Research on Program-controlled Power with Single Chip Microcomputer for Electrothermal Atomizer

  12. 以缝式石英管作为原子化器的氢化物&原子吸收法测定痕量铋

    Hydride Generation-AAS Determination of Bismuth with A Slot Quartz Tube

  13. 石墨炉原子化器中氧在原子化过程的作用

    The role of oxygen in atomization in graphite furnace atomize

  14. 右墨炉原子化器中铅的原子化机理

    The mechanism of atomization of lead in graphite furnace atomizer

  15. 金从电热原子化器表面原子化的动力学

    Kinetics of gold atomization in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

  16. 钽丝圈原子化器原子吸收光谱法的研究

    Study on Tantalum Coil Atomizer for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  17. 用金属钨平台石墨炉原子化器测定环境样品中的锶

    Determination of environmental strontium using tungsten foil platform

  18. 阴极溅射原子化器在合金分析中的应用

    A Cathodic Sputtering Atomizer and Its Application to Direct Analysis of Metals and Alloys

  19. 控温石墨原子化器的发展及应用

    Development and Application of Control Temperature Atomizer

  20. 通过使用雾化器或原子化器,样品以气溶胶的形式引入。

    The sample is introduced as an aerosol by use of a nebulizer or atomizer .

  21. 还叙述了新设计的氢空气扩散焰火焰原子化器。

    A new , design of atomization furnace with flame diffusing air to hydrogen is described .

  22. 石墨炉原子化器的温度

    Temperatures in a graphite furnace atomizer

  23. 石墨炉原子化器中氯化钠对铅原子化过程的作用机理

    The mechanism of the effect of sodium chloride on the atomization of lead in graphite furnace atomizer

  24. 火焰原子化器的设计改进

    An Improved Flame Atomizing Device

  25. 石墨炉原子化器中过渡金属氯化物对铝和镉的干扰及其消除的初步研究

    Preliminary study on elimination and interference of transition metal chlorides for Al and Cd in graphite furnace atomizer

  26. 随着原子化器和检测器的小型化,钨丝原子吸收光谱分析仪在便携式分析仪器方面显示了很大的潜力。

    As the miniaturization of atomizers and detectors , tungsten-coil based atomic absorption spectrometers show great potential in portable analytical instrumentation .

  27. 以氩气作为载气将汞化氢从母液中分离,并导入石英炉原子化器中原子化。

    Adopted argon as a carrier gas to remove mercury-hydride from mother solution and conducted it into quartz atomizing stove for atomizing .

  28. 本文从理论上推导了几个带有普遍意义的公式,用以定量描述在各种类型的电热原子化器中,原子化加热速率与峰值的关系。

    Expressions have been derived to describe the relationship between heating rate and peak height absorbanee for atomization under non-isothermal and isothermal conditions .

  29. 应用氢化物发生、空气加入和石英炉原子化器的低压原子吸收光谱法测定硒

    Study on Determination of selenium by low pressure atomic absorption spectrometry with a quartz tube furnace atomizer and hydride generation with air addition

  30. 量子化学在分析化学中的应用&以量子化学半经验CNDO/2方法研究石墨炉原子化器中氢化物原子化机理

    The-application of Quantum Chemistry in Analysis Chemistry & The study of Hydrides atomization mechanism in graphite atomizer in quantum chemistry CNDO / 2