
  • 网络piezoelectric device
  1. 基于压电器件的冰传感器

    A New Ice Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Device

  2. 新型压电器件的力电耦合分析与结构设计

    Electromechanical Coupling Analysis and Structural Design on Novel Piezoelectric Devices

  3. ZnO薄膜具有优良的光学、电学性能,在许多领域具有现实及潜在的应用,如表面声波器件、透明电极,紫外光探测器、发光二极管、压电器件、气敏传感器及平面波导等。

    ZnO films have many realized and potential applications in many fields , such as surface acoustic wave devices , transparent electrodes , ultraviolet photodetectors , light emitting diodes , piezoelectric devices , gas sensors and planar optical waveguides , etc , due to their excellent optical and piezoelectric properties .

  4. 在分析各种控制原理的同时,指出了对压电器件的不同特性要求。

    While analysing the controls , different characteristics of piezoelectric devices are also discussed .

  5. 层合结构压电器件的机电耦合效应

    Electromechanical Coupling Effects of Piezoelectric Laminated Devices

  6. 每一滤波信道具有频带宽、通带平坦、阻带抑制高等特点,是把电子电路和压电器件有机地结合为一体的组件。

    Each filtering channel features wide band , flat passband and high stopband suppression , etc.

  7. 压电器件及其应用的发展,取决于压电材料种类的更新和性能的提高。

    The development of piezoelectric devices and their applications depends on the renewing of piezoelectric materials and improvement of performance .

  8. 随着科学技术的发展,航空航天、光学精密工程等新技术领域对压电器件的特性要求也越来越高。

    With the development of the Science , the higher level has been requested in the fields of aviation and optical engineering etc.

  9. 压电声波器件的多场耦合问题ANSYS模拟与分析

    Simulation and Analysis on Multi-field Coupling Problem of Piezoelectricity Acoustic Waves Devices Using ANSYS

  10. 压电惯性器件敏感旋转误差的新技术

    New Technology of Sensing Rotational Error by a Piezoelectric Inertial Device

  11. 表面微机械结构的氧化锌压电薄膜器件的工艺研究

    Study on technique of surface micromachining structured ZnO Piezoelectric thin film devices

  12. 两种新型压电集成器件的初试

    Preliminary experiments on two new type piezoelectric integrated devices

  13. 圆环形的压电材料器件在智能结构中得到了广泛的应用。

    The equilibrium of circular are bars and the stability of circular rings have been analyzed as examples .

  14. 提出了一种采用压电陶瓷器件实现微位移系统的方法,可在10μm内实现0.01μm的微动分辨力。

    A new method for micro-displacement system by means piezoelectric part was presented in this pa - per and the resolution over 0 . 01 μ m of micro-displacement was obtained in the range longer than 10 μ m.

  15. 压电材料是SAW器件基本材料,该基片材料是影响SAW器件性能的一个决定性因素。

    Piezoelectric material for SAW devices is the decision factor affecting SAW device characteristic .

  16. 多晶ZnO薄膜是一种多功能宽带隙氧化物半导体薄膜材料,它可以作为透明导电薄膜、压电薄膜、光电子器件、气敏和湿敏器件而具有广泛的应用前景。

    Polycrystalline zinc oxide ( ZnO ) films are one of very useful materials , and are widely used in piezoelectric device , transparent conducting electrodes , photo-electric device and gas sensors because of their excellent characteristics .

  17. ZnO薄膜是一种直接宽带隙半导体材料,具有多种用途,可广泛的应用于太阳能电池、压电薄膜、光电器件、气敏器件和紫外探测器等方面。

    ZnO film , a semiconductor with wide direct band gap , has been actively studied because of its potential applications . It can be used in solar cell , piezoelectric device , photoelectric device , gas sensor and UV detector and the characteristics can be modulated by appropriate doping .

  18. 压电石英体声波器件的应用特点及发展趋势

    The Application and Trend of BAW Devices Using Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal

  19. 从不同角度介绍了压电陶瓷微位移器件的两种控制模型。

    Two control models for piezoelectric actuators are introduced from different angles .

  20. 压电陶瓷微位移器件控制模型的研究

    Research on the control model of piezoelectric micropositioning actuator

  21. 在分析和比较已有压电、压磁材料与智能结构的分析模型时,从压电、压磁器件与结构之间的连接来看,通常有嵌入式和表面粘贴两种方式。

    When analyzing and comparing the existing analytical models of piezoelectric 、 piezomagnetic material and intelligent structure , the correlations of piezoelectric 、 piezomagnetic apparatus and structure can be divided into embedding and surface pasting .

  22. 钛酸钡是典型的铁电、压电、介电陶瓷材料,广泛应用于陶瓷电容器、热敏元件、铁电、压电器件,被称为电子陶瓷工业的支柱。

    Barium titanate is a typical ferroelectric , piezoelectric , and dielectric material , which is widely applied in ceramic capacitor , thermistor , ferroelectric and piezoelectric devices . It is called as " Backbone of Electronic Ceramic Industry " .