
  1. HXD蒸气喷射量对叶丝膨胀效果及卷烟内在质量的影响

    Influence of Steam Volume on Expansion of Cut Tobacco Dried in HXD and Smoking Quality of Cigarette

  2. 通风技术对卷烟内在质量的影响

    Influence on the Inside Quality of the Cigarettes of the Ventilation Technology

  3. 人工嗅觉系统在卷烟内在质量客观评定中的应用展望

    Prospects for Application of Artificial Olfactory Systems to Evaluation of Internal Quality of Cigarettes

  4. 分别在不同起始干燥含水率条件下进行了不同蒸气喷射量对叶丝膨胀及卷烟内在质量的综合影响因素研究。

    The influence of steam volume introduced in HXD system on the expansion effect of cut tobacco with different initial moisture contents and the smoking quality of cigarettes made of the same were studied .

  5. 近红外技术应用于成品卷烟的内在质量稳定性控制

    Application of the NIR Spectroscopy to the Control of the Qualitative Stability of the Manufactured Cigarette

  6. 在对卷烟通风技术对卷烟内在质量影响的研究中,我们发现,当卷烟纸透气度或滤嘴通风度发生变化时,卷烟焦油量、烟气烟碱量表现出线性变化规律;

    We find in the research of the influence on the inside quality of the ventilation technology that the cigarette tar and smoke and nicotine reveal a regulation of linear changes when the ventilating strength of the cigarette paper or filter tips .

  7. 实现了卷烟生产从制丝到包装的全过程自动化,提高了生产管理、烟叶配方准确性,提升了卷烟内在质量和内在品质竞争力。

    Realized the cigarette production from silk to automate the entire process of packaging to improve the production management , tobacco formulation accuracy , improved quality and internal quality cigarette inner competitiveness .