
juǎn qū
  • crimp;crinkle;curl over;crispation
卷曲 [juǎn qū]
  • (1) [crinkle]∶形成许多短的弯头或转折

  • (2) [crimp]∶使获得、采取或呈现有皱痕或有波纹的外观

卷曲[juǎn qū]
  1. 那张纸在高温下开始起皱卷曲。

    The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat .

  2. 豌豆卷曲突变基因curl的染色体定位

    Chromosome Location of the Mutant Gene curl in Pea

  3. 那些纸页在火中起皱卷曲变成了灰烬。

    The pages crinkled and curled and turned to ashes in the fire .

  4. 他一头柔软卷曲的黑发,眼睛又黑又亮。

    He had fuzzy black hair and bright black eyes .

  5. 她的头发乌黑卷曲,脸上涂了腮红。

    She had curly black hair and rouged cheeks .

  6. 埃丽卡表情严肃,扯着自己卷曲的金发。

    Erica was solemn , pulling at her blonde curls

  7. 如果你有一头卷曲的长发,不要剪掉。

    If you have long curly hair , don 't shave it off .

  8. 她的头发乌黑卷曲。

    Her hair was dark and curly .

  9. 他卷曲的头发有些花白。

    His crinkly hair was touched with grey

  10. 他那慢慢要变苍白了的头发是卷曲着的。

    His greying hair was curly .

  11. 干瘪的种子裂开了,卷曲的绿叶伸展了

    The dry seed ruptures and the green leaf uncurls .

  12. 顶部则长有细细的黄色花柱,两个不平整的卷曲突起伸展而出,扎根于花冠筒的上方。

    From the top the slender yellow style rises , pushing two rough curving horns out beyond the flower-tube .

  13. 横向卷曲C形屑的形成与折断

    On Formation and Breaking " C " Type Cross-Curling Chips

  14. 横向卷曲C型屑纵弯曲数学模型及折断判据

    Study on Longitudinal Bend Mathematics Model of Side-curl C Shape Chip and Its Breaking Criterion

  15. PET复合中空三维卷曲纤维弹性的提高

    Elastic improvement of PET composite hollow 3D crimp fiber

  16. 三维建模技术,包括3D分析接触气瓶,卷曲,球囊扩张和血管压缩载荷模型。

    The3D modeling technique consists of3D analytical contact cylinders to model the crimping , balloon expansion , and the vessel compressive loading .

  17. 我环顾了四周,Harry在我旁边卷曲着身子,还是躺在平常的地方。

    Then I looked up , and there he was , in his usual place , curled around my head .

  18. 方法:采用Z型不锈钢丝为骨架、两面覆盖硅橡胶薄膜的卷曲型支架。

    Methods : Maxillary sinus stent was made of stainless steel in shape of Z and bilaterally covered with silicon membrane .

  19. 纤维卷曲指数和KinK指数对浆张强度的影响

    Effect of Fiber Curl and KinK on Strength Properties of Handsheet

  20. 卷曲型涤纶FDY长丝生产工艺研究

    Study on the Technology of Processing Crimping Polyester FDY Filament

  21. 圆二色谱(CD)对其二级结构的分析显示,蔗糖酶分子中α-螺旋占28.8%,β-折叠占27.9%,无规则卷曲占43.2%。

    It was demonstrated that the enzyme has 28.8 % a-helix , 27.9 % p-sheet , 43.2 % random coil by the analysis of circular dichroism spectrum .

  22. Level-1主要是轧机APC与卷曲机/层流APC;

    Level-1 is composed of Mill APC and Laminar / Coiler APC ;

  23. 恶性血液病细胞系分泌型卷曲相关蛋白基因启动子CpG岛甲基化状态的检测及意义

    Methylation Status of CpG Islands in Secreted Frizzled-related Protein Gene Promoter Region of Malignant Hematopoietic Cell Lines

  24. vi.扭动;弯曲她将头发缠绕在手指上,使之卷曲。

    twist She twisted her hair round her fingers to make it curl .

  25. ES复合短纤维生产过程中丝束经过卷曲机旋转侧面板处时产生黑丝。

    The reason causing black fiber during tow passing by the rotary side plate of a crimping machine was analyzed for ES composite staple fiber .

  26. MATLAB模拟结果显示,对于空气复合纤维,卷曲度随单纤维半径的减小而增大,与自由收缩率呈正比例关系,且随复合比的增加而增大。

    MATLAB simulation results show that in the air composite situation , the degree of crimp increased when we decrease the radius of single fiber or increase the free shrinkage and component ratio .

  27. 应用CD光谱检测蛋白质的二级结构,α-螺旋、β-转角和任意卷曲分别占47.9%,23.1%,29.0%。

    The secondary structure of the protein was determined by circular dichroism ( CD ) spectrum . The a-Helix , P-Turn and Random were 47.9 % , 23.1 % and 29.0 % .

  28. 发现Ni纳米线能够帮助石墨烯克服能垒,并提供驱动力激发石墨烯在其表面快速的自卷曲。

    It is found that the Ni nanowire can help the graphene overcome the energy barrier and provide driving force to drive the graphene self-scroll rapidly on the surface of the nanowire .

  29. mRNA解折叠的链构象与相应新生肽链构象相关性的探索而当湿度小于75%大于40%范围时分子的二级结构改变以β折叠和无规卷曲的肽链构象。

    The Correlation Between the Chain conformations of Unfolded mRNA and Corresponding Nascent Polypeptide R 40 % - 75 % , it can be obtained as antiparallel β - cheet and random coil conformation .

  30. WarpedDCT是常规的DCT和一阶全通滤波器的级联,可以通过调整全通滤波器的控制参数来调整频率的卷曲。

    The Warped DCT is a cascade connection of a conventional DCT and first-order all-pass filters whose parameters can be adjusted to provide frequency warping .