
  • 网络printing
  1. 舒美绒圆网印花工艺探讨

    An Approach to the Rotary Screen Printing of " Shu Mei Rong " Velveteen

  2. 真丝斜纹绸转移印花工艺的探讨

    Investigations on Transfer Printing of Silk Twill

  3. 亚麻织物活性染料印花工艺探讨活性艳红K2BP的直接印花工艺

    The Technology of Printing on Linen Fabrics with Reactive Dyes

  4. 靛蓝拔染剂K的拔染印花工艺

    Discharge Printing with Indigo Discharge Agent K

  5. 全棉沙滩巾的PF型活性染料印花工艺

    All cotton beach towel printing with PF reactive dyes

  6. 评价了将液晶(liquidcrystalline,LC)颜料体系和添加剂适当混合以开发新的织物印花工艺概念上的尝试。

    Several conceptual approaches to suitable combinations of liquid crystalline ( LC ) pigment system and additives for creating textile printing processes are evaluated .

  7. 弱酸性艳蓝6B在锦纶织物上的印花工艺探讨

    Study on the Printing Procedure of Acid Brilliant Blue 6B on Nylon

  8. CVC牛津纺的仿色织印花工艺

    Colour-Woven-Like Printing Process for CVC Oxford

  9. Tencel织物活性染料印花工艺

    Reactive printing of Tencel

  10. 利用EpsonStylusColor彩色喷墨打印机对Cibacron活性染料小样喷墨印花工艺进行探索。

    Epson Stylus Color printer was modified for jet printing on cotton fabrics . The printing technology was also explored with four Cibacron reactive dyes .

  11. 探讨了粘合剂SX在印花工艺中用量、焙烘温度、焙烘时间等条件的选择。

    The selection of process conditions such as the dosage of binder SX in pigment printing , curing temperation and curing time was discussed .

  12. 分析了分散/活性两相法印花工艺条件,优选了染料和固色碱剂,与全料法印花工艺相比,前者固色率高,色牢度可提高0.5~1级,生产易控制;V.C高;

    The processing conditions , selection of dyestuff and fixing base for disperse / reactive two-phase printing are detailed . Compared with all-in-one printing process , the two-phase process features higher fixation , color fastness above 0.5-1 level , as well as more controllable production .

  13. 拉舍尔毛毯在手工台板上的印花工艺

    Printing Process of Raschel Blanket with Manual Flat Screen Printing Machine

  14. 靛蓝牛仔布氯酸钠&黄血盐拔染印花工艺

    Discharge Printing of Indigo Jean with Sodium Chlorate - Yellow Prussiate

  15. 涤盖丙针织物印花工艺

    Printing process of double jersey with polyester face and polypropylene back

  16. 朦胧印花工艺及设备研究

    Process and Apparatus of Warp Printing before Weaving with Dim Effect

  17. 棉织物热转移印花工艺探讨

    Study of the Technology of Heat Transfer Printing on Cotton Fabric

  18. 分散/活性染料中性同浆印花工艺研究

    Printing Process of Disperse / Reactive Dyes with One Neutral Paste

  19. 还原防拔染活性地色印花工艺

    Reserve and discharge printing process on reactive dyed fabric with vat dye

  20. 真丝针织物活性染料短流程印花工艺探讨

    Investigations on Real Silk Knits Shortened Printing with Reactive Dyes

  21. 人棉活性深色印花工艺的研究

    Deep Colour Printing of Rayon Staple Fabric with Reactive Dyes

  22. 介绍一种新型的涂料/活性同浆印花工艺。

    The combination printing process for pigment / reactive dyes was introduced .

  23. 我也翻译一下:采用振冲蚀刻和激光打标均可代替模压印花工艺。

    Vibro-etching or laser marking may be used instead of die stamping .

  24. 活性染料四分色印花工艺操作

    Four color separate printing process and manipulation of reactive dyes

  25. 锦/棉混纺织物色底弥彩印花工艺探讨

    Discuss the process of camouflage printing on dyed nylon cotton blend fabric

  26. 纺织品活性染料墨水喷墨印花工艺研究

    Study on Textile Ink-Jet Printing Process with Reactive Dye Inks

  27. 腈纶拉舍尔毛毯印花工艺探讨

    A Study into the Printing Technology for Acrylic Raschel Blankets

  28. 棉/大豆纤维交织物的印花工艺

    Research on Printing Process of Cotton / Soybean Fiber Mixture

  29. 低温粘合剂在金粉印花工艺中的应用

    An Application of the Low Temperature Binder to Gold Print

  30. 拔染印花工艺适合于深地色精细花纹品种的加工。

    Discharge printing is suitable for fine pattern with deep ground shade .