
  • 网络indian tribe;Indian Village
  1. 他的家庭是印第安部落的后裔。

    His family were descended from an Indian tribe .

  2. 他们是一支印第安部落的后裔。

    They are descendants of an Indian tribe .

  3. 标有印第安部落名称的马里兰州地图

    a map of Maryland marked with the names of Indian tribes .

  4. 他们同其他印第安部落作战,但很少与白人并肩对敌。

    They battled against other Indian tribes , but rarely fought with the whites

  5. 这个故事是关于美国西部印第安部落的。

    The story is about the Indian nations in the western United states .

  6. n.部落;族;宗族;一伙美洲曾是许多印第安部落的家。

    tribe America was once the home of many Indian tribes .

  7. 印第安部落拉克塔苏族(LakotaSioux)说,一个坐立不安的孩子是未发展完全的孩子。

    The Lakota Sioux say that a child who cannot sit still is a half-developed child .

  8. 他的着作简略地提到印第安部落的殡葬习俗。

    His book glances at the burial customs of the Indian tribes .

  9. 对印第安部落来说,十字架是团结的象征。

    For the Indian tribes , the Cruz de Fuego symbolized unity .

  10. 美洲曾是许多印第安部落的家园。

    America was once the home of many Indian tribes .

  11. 美国一度曾是印第安部落的老家。

    America was once the home of tribes of Indians .

  12. 这位白肤碧眼的美国选手青睐90年代流行的莫霍克(印第安部落)发型。

    The blonde athlete had his hair styled into a 90s mohawk .

  13. 西班牙人征服了墨西哥的印第安部落。

    The Spaniards subdued the Indian tribes in Mexico .

  14. 审计数据显示,美国印第安部落私自盗用上千万美元公款。

    And audits show American Indian tribes have misappropriated tens of million dollars .

  15. 他是这个印第安部落的首领。

    He is cacique of this Indian tribe .

  16. 北亚利桑那州的美国印第安部落认为这种进入纳瓦霍土地的行为很可怕。

    Northern Arizona American-Indian tribes believe this gorge on Navajo land to be sacred .

  17. 它制定了一项同盟政策,旨在挽救各美国印第安部落的语言。

    It established a federal policy aimed at saving the languages of American Indian tribes .

  18. 几个位于太平洋西北部的印第安部落想要将沿海的村落迁移至高处。

    Several Pacific Northwest Indian tribes want to move their coastal villages to higher ground .

  19. 其他许多著名的印第安部落也生活在这里&黑脚部族、鸦部族和肖松尼部族。

    Many other famous Indian tribes lived here too - the Blackfeet , the Crow , the Shoshone .

  20. 管理合众国与外国的、各州之间的以及同印第安部落的贸易;

    To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations , and among the several States , and with the Indian Tribes ;

  21. 她是切诺基民族,是美国最大的印第安部落之一的第一位女性首席。

    She was the first woman chief of the Cherokee Nation , one of the largest American Indian tribes .

  22. 这种密码由印第安部落纳瓦霍人开发和使用,没有书面形式,只是在纳瓦霍人之间口口相传。

    It was a spoken code , never written down , and it was developed and used by Navajo Indians .

  23. 这项计划在法院受阻,因为印第安部落在法院提出,这项举措意味着违反土著的主权。

    That plan has been stalled in the courts , where tribes argue the move represents a violation of sovereignty .

  24. 这一点可以从印第安部落之间发生的冲突中看出,那就是因为领土的侵犯。

    There is an evidence to suggest that the primary cause of conflicts between Indian tribes was the invasion of territory .

  25. 管理与外国的、州与州间的,以及对印第安部落的贸易;

    Clause 3 : To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations , and among the several States , and with the Indian Tribes ;

  26. 他是搬迁美国东部印第安人的主要倡导者,该“搬迁政策”根除了许多印第安部落。

    He was a leading advocate of removing Native Americans from the east of the country and his policy eradicated many tribes .

  27. 我真诚和长久地希望对在我们的限制之内的印第安部落奉行一个公正和宽容的政策。

    It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy ,

  28. 杰姆索普出生于一个贫苦的印第安部落的家庭,但他从小就极具体育天赋。

    Thorpe was born in a poor family of Indian tribe . But he had excellent natural gifts for athletic sports from his childhood .

  29. 萨姆塞特是从缅因州的印第安部落来的,并从港口那里的渔夫口里学到了一些英语。

    Samoset was from an Indian tribe in Maine and had picked up a few English words from the fishermen who come into the harbors there .

  30. 到目前为止,农业部已经投资八百四十万,包括帮助州和美国印第安部落发展身份认证工程。

    The department has spent about $ 84 million on the system so far , including awards to states and American Indian tribes for developing ID programs .