
  • 网络India;India Visa
  1. “是这个时代的东西吗?超级恶心。”罗伯先生这样概括印度的签证系统。

    " In this day and age ? Bleeding disgusting ," is Mr Robb 's pithy comment on the Indian visa system .

  2. 在印度,签证面试的等待时间已经缩减至几天。

    The waiting time to get a visa interview in India , which used to be notorious , has been cut back to a few days .

  3. 最新统计数据表明,发给印度学生的签证数量已下跌了24%。

    The latest statistics show the number of visas being granted to Indian students has fallen 24 per cent .

  4. 不应该对印度国籍的签证申请人有地域或种族的歧视,印度外交部说。

    There should be no discrimination against visa applicants of Indian nationality on the grounds of domicile or ethnicity , the Indian foreign ministry said .

  5. 今年,印度企业对这种签证的需求非常大,以至于每年6.5万个名额在一天之内就占满了。

    So great was demand this year for the visas from Indian companies that the annual quota of 65000 was filled in a day .

  6. 这就意味着像印度、中国这样签证积压严重的国家可以使更多的人更快地来到美国。

    That means then that countries like India and China which are very backlogged , they can get more people to come to the United States more quickly .

  7. 多伦多大学(universityoftoronto)的专家称,他们恢复的数据包括:印度一些邦的秘密安全形势评估、一名高级军官的个人信息,以及在阿富汗提交的印度签证申请上的信息。

    Experts at the University of Toronto said they had recovered secret assessments of the security situation in some Indian states , personal information on a high-ranking military official and information on visa applications to the country out of Afghanistan .