
  • 网络curry;Indian Curry
  1. 我想那是印度咖喱,西红柿是主要食材。

    I think it was an Indian curry , tomato-based .

  2. 另一种你可以做的是用一些印度咖喱酱和鹰嘴豆。

    Another one you can do is take some Indian curry paste and chickpeas .

  3. 印度咖喱是最熟的植物油。

    Most Indian curries are cooked in vegetable oil .

  4. 在线时代,英国政府2006年8月28日比如印度咖喱扁豆?

    Times Online , UK-Aug28,2006 * Indian curried lentils ?

  5. 印度咖喱因其美味的香料以及多样的风味风靡全球。

    With their intoxicating spices and complex flavours , Indian curries are enjoyed the world over .

  6. 印度咖喱用干粉末香料混合制成,更好地强调它们朴实的味道。

    Indian curries use dry powders made up of ground spice blends , which better emphasize their earthy intensity .

  7. 典型的毛里求斯正餐可能包括印度咖喱鸡肉、中式猪肉、英国烤牛肉和法式蔬菜等。

    A typical Mauritian dinner might have Indian chicken curry , Chinese pork , British roast beef and French-style vegetables .

  8. 但真要是被问到最喜欢吃什么,英国人多数会回答喜欢他们最喜欢印度咖喱。

    In fact , when asked what their favourite food is , more British people say an Indian curry than any other dish !

  9. 例如,浮尔顿酒店大堂提供一种印度咖喱自助餐,特色是印度北部的咖喱菜。那里还提供一种正宗的日餐自助,午餐有新鲜的生鱼片。

    For instance , the Courtyard at Fullerton Hotel serves an Indian curry buffet featuring north Indian curries , and a Japanese buffet of authentic specialities including fresh sashimi for lunch .

  10. 隐藏在卑微的红辣椒粉中有着世界上最受欢迎的调味品(它也是印度咖喱的一种重要成分)、同时也是一种抗癌卫士。

    Cumin Concealed in your humble chili powder is one of the world 's most popular spices ( it 's a key ingredient in Indian curries too ) and another anti-cancer soldier .

  11. 他们称,他们从姜黄中分离了一种化合物,可刺激一种特异反应以对抗阿尔茨海默病症状。姜黄是一种黄色调料,它构成了印度咖喱粉独特的颜色。

    They said they isolated a compound in turmeric , a yellow spice that gives Indian curry powder its distinctive color , that appears to stimulate a specific response against Alzheimer 's symptoms .

  12. 队长:拉面和咖喱饭。真正的印度咖喱用很多香料,不是很对韩国人的胃口。我们,韩国人,更喜欢日本的咖喱。

    Leader : Ramen and curry rice ( in a smile ) The real Indian curry use many spices , which are not palatable to Koreans . We , Koreans rather like Japanese curry .

  13. 在进行了一天的繁重编程工作后,我喜欢用一个素食料包,一勺印度咖喱酱,一把小葱(不要评判我,接受就行了,它让所有东西变得好吃)和半罐鹰嘴豆。

    For a day of heavy coding , I like to use a veggie pack , a tablespoon of Indian curry paste , a handful of scallions , ( don 't judge , just accept it , they make everything better ) and a half can of chickpeas .

  14. 印度的咖喱食品很受大众欢迎。

    A popular dish for many is " curry , " Indian food .

  15. 现如今最广为人知的咖喱粉是英国人制作的,他们试图复制传统印度菜肴中咖喱的味道。

    The curry powder we know best is what the British produced when they tried to replicate the flavors they encountered in traditional Indian cooking .

  16. 在一个印度餐厅一份咖喱鸡饭花了我们三十元.我妈妈经常和邻居一起去超市购物。

    Chicken curry and rice costs us about thirty yuan in an Indian restaurant .