
wèi xīnɡ ɡēn zōnɡ
  • satellite tracking
  1. 用GRACE卫星跟踪数据反演地球重力场

    Earth 's gravity field derived from GRACE satellite tracking data

  2. 与传统的地基卫星跟踪系统不同,星载GPS能给低轨卫星提供相对经济、精确、连续和完整的跟踪。

    Unlike conventional ground-based satellite tracking systems , the space-based GPS can provide relatively inexpensive , accurate , continuous and comprehensive tracking of low Earth satellites .

  3. 星载GPS低轨卫星跟踪数据的建模与仿真

    Modelling and Simulation of Tracing Data of LOW-ORBIT Satellites Based on GPS

  4. 基于OpenGL的卫星跟踪仿真

    A Simulation of Tracking a Satellite Based on OpenGL

  5. 自适应渐消EKF方法及其在卫星跟踪中的应用

    An adaptive fading extended Kalman filtering method and its application for satellite-to-satellite tracking

  6. 如何将VLBI软件相关处理技术应用于高精度卫星跟踪是一个重要的研究课题。

    It is a crucial task that how VLBI software correlation processing is used to track satellite .

  7. 在求定重力场方面发展了卫星跟踪卫星(SST)测定地球重力场及其变化的新技术。

    The new technology of satellite-satellite tracking ( SST ) has been developed for the determination of Earth gravity field and its time-variation .

  8. 1.2m望远镜卫星跟踪定位精度的实测与分析

    Observation and Analysis of the Accuracy of Tracking and Pointing for Satellite Using 1.2m Telescope

  9. 研究人员得出结论认为,监控H5N1的鸭种群并且通过卫星跟踪稻田,是预测什么地方最有可能发生疫情的最佳方法。

    The researchers concluded that monitoring duck populations for H5N1 and tracking rice paddies by satellite were the best ways to predict where outbreaks were most likely to occur .

  10. 选择4个南海卫星跟踪Argos漂流浮标及同期的TOPEX/Poseidon卫星遥感海面高度资料,研究了南海海域涡旋的活动及空间结构。

    Using the tracks of four satellite tracked Argos drifting buoys and TOPEX / Poseidon altimetry data in the same period , the activities of eddies in the South China Sea are analyzed .

  11. 对有望解决远月面控制网布设难题的日本SELENE计划中的卫星跟踪技术进行了介绍。

    The Satellite-to-Satellite ( SST ) technique in Japanese lunar exploration mission SELENE is briefly introduced to resolve the problem that the lunar control network in the far-side is difficult to found .

  12. 本文根据SBG照相机在人造卫星跟踪照相观测中的成象特点,给出底片归算的插值方法和全部计算公式。

    The characteristic of imaging of the SBG camera are based on when using it for photographic observations following man-made satellite and the interpolation as well as all calculative formulae of data reduction for the photographic plates are described here .

  13. “快乐的大脚”的腿上植入了微型芯片,背部也会放上新西兰Sirtrack公司提供的阿戈斯卫星跟踪传送器。

    Happy Feet has a microchip implanted in his leg and will also have an Argos Satellite transmitter attached to his back provided by New Zealand 's Sirtrack .

  14. 卫星跟踪技术在鸟类迁徙研究中的应用及展望

    Review on satellite tracking of migratory birds and its prospect

  15. 卫星跟踪系统动中通

    The Satellite communication system - " Connection in moving "

  16. 卫星跟踪设备伺服系统的动态范围

    Dynamic Range of the Servo System of Satellite Tracking Equipment

  17. 月球卫星跟踪卫星技术作为月球和行星重力场探测的一种解决方案已经初步研究和讨论。

    Lunar Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking technique has been studied and discussed in general .

  18. 卫星跟踪卫星应用于月球重力场探测的模拟研究

    Simulation of Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking in Lunar Gravity Field Determination

  19. 卫星跟踪中位置预测的序列匹配算法

    Sequential matching algorithm of position prediction for satellite tracking prediction for satellite tracking

  20. 卫星跟踪仿真平台目标跟踪控制系统设计

    Design of the Target Tracking Control System in a Satellite Tracking Simulation Platform

  21. 利用回归模型模拟卫星跟踪海洋漂流浮标轨迹

    Modeling the trajectories of satellite-tracked drifters with regression models

  22. 卫星跟踪卫星技术的进展及应用前景

    The Progress and Application Prospects of Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Technology

  23. 她不是负责卫星跟踪的吗?

    Why isn 't she working the satellite track ?

  24. 中国可望继续改进其卫星跟踪和定位网络。

    China is expected to continue to enhance its satellite tracking and identification network .

  25. 一种可以用于小卫星跟踪的平滑粒子滤波器

    A Smoothing Particle Filter for Small Satellite Tracking

  26. 卫星跟踪技术的发展

    The Development of the Tracking Technology of Satellites

  27. 中国首次卫星跟踪黑颈鹤研究初报

    First Satellite Tracking of Black-necked Cranes in China

  28. 极区卫星跟踪浮标在北极科学考察中的应用

    The Application of Polar Satellite-tracing Hydro-meteorological Automatic Observing Buoy in the Second Chinese Arctic Research Expedition

  29. 阐述了一种地面卫星跟踪的捕获跟踪控制系统。

    The acquisition , tracking and control system for a ground based satellite tracking are described .

  30. 水文卫星跟踪与记录

    Hydrographic satellite tracking and recording