
  • 网络Catherine;katrine;katrin;Caitlin
  1. 不过她时常想念卡特琳,却又不敢说。

    Only she regretted Catherine , but she dared not say so .

  2. 他把她驮在背上,珂赛特,怀里一直抱着卡特琳,头靠在冉阿让的肩上,睡着了。

    He took her on his back . Cosette , without letting go of Catherine , laid her head on Jean Valjean 's shoulder , and there fell asleep .

  3. 伊姆霍尔兹说,“今天我收到一份世界语译本的《爱丽丝漫游镜中世界》(ThroughtheLookingGlass),它是在叶卡特琳堡印刷的,沙皇就是在那里遇刺。”

    Mr. Imholtz said , " Today came in the mail an Esperanto translation of ' Through the Looking Glass , " printed in Ekaterinburg where the Czar was killed . " DRAWN , ELABORATELY

  4. 叶卡特琳堡的官员声称该市的繁荣并不依赖油气资源,但它们无庸质疑对于该地区的勃兴起到了作用。

    Officials in Yekaterinburg say the city 's prosperity does not depend on oil and gas , but they undoubtedly contribute to the local boom .

  5. 珂赛特看见卡特琳躺在床脚边,连忙抱住它,她一面玩,一面对着冉阿让唠唠叨叨问个没完。

    Cosette caught sight of Catherine at the foot of her bed , and took possession of her , and , as she played , she put a hundred questions to Jean Valjean .