
  • 网络Charles II of Spain
  1. 星期四,在瓦尔德拉马高尔夫球场,西班牙国王卡洛斯二世宣布欧美高尔夫球对抗赛第32届莱德杯赛正式开幕。

    Spanish King Carlos II opened the32nd Ryder Cup golf tournament between Europe and America in a colourful ceremony at Valderrama course on thursday .

  2. 这种近亲结婚在努力保持血统“纯正”的皇室家庭中最为常见。公元第二个千年中期统治欧洲的哈布斯堡皇室就是近亲结婚的典范,最后出了个西班牙国王卡洛斯二世。

    This kind of inbreeding was famouslyexhibited by royal families attempting to keep their bloodlines " pure . " TheEuropean House of Hapsburg , a family of European rulers from the mid-secondmillennium , was marked by frequent cousin marriages , culminating in the birthof King Charles II of Spain .