
lǚ kuàng
  • aluminum ore;aluminium ore
铝矿 [lǚ kuàng]
  • [aluminum ore] 从中可以经济地提炼铝的一种天然矿石

铝矿[lǚ kuàng]
  1. 探讨降低露天铝矿贫化和损失的途径

    Discuss the Way of Reducing Aluminium Ore Dilution and Loss on Opencut Mining

  2. 云南省铝矿资源及其开发利用前景

    Aluminium Ore Resources and Exploitation Prospect in Yunnan

  3. 铝矿均化库是平果铝业公司氧化铝厂原料准备区的重要工段之一,跨度44m,全长306m。

    Bauxite homogenizing storage is an important section in material preparation area at the aluminium refinery . The span of the storage is 44 meters with a total length of 306 meters .

  4. 用高铝矿与碳酸钡在温度为1200℃,时间为80min,分子比为1.1时,合成铝酸钡,其合成率99.5%。

    Barium aluminate is combined by high grade bauxite and Barium carbonate in the conditions of 1200 ℃, 80 minutes and molecular ratio (〔 Aluminium 〕 / 〔 Baryta 〕) 1.1 . Its efficiency of combination can reach 99.5 % .

  5. 洛阳铝矿采场启动方案

    Start - up plan for the stope in Luoyang bauxite mine

  6. 反铲开采工艺在孝义铝矿的应用

    The application of mining with backhoe shovels in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine

  7. 洛阳铝矿选矿碎磨流程探讨

    Discussion on the crushing and grinding flowsheet of Luoyang bauxite mine

  8. 三级成本核算在孝义铝矿的应用

    Application of Three Level Cost Accounting in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine

  9. 矿区生态环境动态修复在孝义铝矿的实践

    Practical application of dynamic restoring of ecological environment in Xiaoyi Aluminum Mine

  10. 孝义铝矿采场边坡位移监测及工程控制

    Monitoring and Control of Displacement of Slope in Xiaoyi Open-pit Aluminum Mine

  11. 合理开发铝矿资源促进矿业稳定发展

    Reasonably develop bauxite resources to promote steady development of mining

  12. 孝义铝矿铝土矿床地质特征的新认识

    New Understanding of the Mining Geology of Bauxite in Xiaoyi , Shanxi

  13. 离子选择性电极测定铝矿中氟

    Determination of Fluorine in Aluminum Ore with Ion Selective Electrode

  14. 孝义铝矿土地复垦良性发展研究

    Research on the Positive Development of Land Restoration in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine

  15. 平果铝矿窄轨铁路运输方案探讨

    Probe Into Narrow-gauge Railway Translation of Ping-guo Aluminous Mine

  16. 研磨铝矿球磨机衬板的失效分析

    Failure Analysis of the Liner of Tube Mill Grinding Alumina Ore in Slurry

  17. 贵州省铝矿资源开发现状和发展态势

    The Present Situation and Development Trend of Bauxite Resources Exploitation in Guizhou Province

  18. 湿式研磨铝矿低铬铸铁磨球的失效分析

    Failure analysis of low Cr cast iron ball for Alumina ore wet grinding

  19. 孝义铝矿土地复垦的实践

    Practice of Land Reclamation in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine

  20. 孝义铝矿革新剥采方法的探讨

    A Study on the Renovation of Stripping and Mining Method in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine

  21. 关于平果铝矿生产勘探问题的研究

    Study on prospecting methods of Pingguo Bauxite Mine

  22. 铝矿资源形势初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of aluminium resources

  23. 孝义铝矿索道运输掉斗原因的分析和改进措施

    The Causes for Bucket Falling in Ropeway Haulage and the Improving Measures in Xiaoyi Bauxite Mine

  24. 高硫高铝矿拜耳溶液除硫剂&铝酸钡的合成

    Synthesis of Barium Aluminate & Desulphurizing Reagent for Bayer Solution from High Grade Bauxite Containing Sulfur

  25. 广东凡口铅锌矿床的主要金属矿物黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方铝矿均可分为四个世代。

    In this lead-Zinc ore deposit , the main ore minerals of each generationhave typomorphic peculiarities .

  26. 高铬铸铁铝矿浆泵泵壳腐蚀磨损失效分析

    Failure Analysis on Corrosion Erosion of High Cr Cast Iron Volute Liner of Pump in Alumina Ore Slurry

  27. 中国长城铝业公司矿山公司积极探索新模式办矿,即国有企业和地方联办铝矿,适应了社会主义市场经济的要求。

    China Great Wall Aluminium Corporation Min-ing Company explores actively new pattern of exploitation mine cooperating with locality .

  28. 岩溶区排泥库工程地质勘察方法&以广西平果铝矿板下排泥库为例

    Engineering-geological investigation of tailing pond in karst region : an example of Banxia tailing of Pingguo aluminium mine in Guangxi

  29. 林歹铝矿崩落采矿法借模拟试验优选采场结构与参数

    Optimization of the Stope Structure and the parameters of Lin Dai Bauxite Mine Caving Mining by Means of Simulation Experiment

  30. 含矿岩体主要为花岗斑岩,主要矿石矿物为辉铝矿,成因为斑岩型钼矿。

    The ore-bearing rock body are mainly granite-porphyry , the major ore minerals are molybdenite , because of the porphyry molybdenum deposit .