
nán shān
  • Nanshan;Southern Hill ;mountains in the south
南山 [nán shān]
  • [Zhongnanshan] 指终南山,在陕西省西安市南

  1. 南山整烫,完美在此定格

    Natsun Trimming & Ironing , Finalizing the Perfection . 40

  2. 大夫权造了一只能发出龙的叫声的号角,来到南山旁的深水潭边吹奏。

    Da Fuquan made a born that could make sounds of dragon . He blew the born by the deep pool near Mountain Nanshang .

  3. 南山暖性次生针叶林的Fuzzy数学分类

    Fuzzy Numerical Classification of Warm Secondary Coniferous Forest at Nansan Mountain

  4. 乌鲁木齐南山GPS跟踪站观测资料精度分析

    Observational data processing and analysis of Nanshan GPS tracking station in Urumqi

  5. 乌鲁木齐天文站南山GPS跟踪站的地心坐标精确测定

    The precise determination of the geocentric coordinates of Nanshan GPS tracking station of Urumqi astronomical station

  6. 基于DEM模型和气候学计算的滇南山区太阳总辐射空间化

    Total Solar Radiation Spatialization in Mountainous Region based on DEM and Climatological Calculation

  7. 本课题采用CFD数值模拟方法来分析深圳南山桥主梁风致颤振特性。

    The subject using CFD numerical simulation method to analyze the flutter characteristics of the Shenzhen-Nanshan bridge .

  8. 深圳南山热电股份有限公司(ShenzhenNanshanPower,简称深南电)表示,公司高管在3月份与高盛在新加坡的一家子公司J.AronCompany签署了两份未经授权的对冲合约。

    Shenzhen Nanshan Power said company officials had signed two unauthorised hedging contracts in March with J. Aron & Company , a Singapore-based Goldman subsidiary .

  9. 高盛本身正与深圳南山热电股份公司(shenzhennanshanpower)谈判,以了结一项涉及石油衍生品合约的合同纠纷。

    Goldman itself is negotiating with Shenzhen Nanshan Power , a mainland utility , to settle a contractual dispute relating to oil derivatives contracts .

  10. 随着南山人寿(nanshanlifeinsurance)的出售进程进入决定性阶段,预计一些海外集团将会与当地竞购者携手组成竞争财团。

    Some overseas groups are expected to team up with local bidders to form rival consortia as the sale process for Nan Shan life insurance enters its decisive phase .

  11. 南山VLBI站氢原子钟的研制与性能测试

    The Study and Performance Evaluation of Hydrogen Masers Used in Nanshan VLBI Station

  12. 上周,深圳南山热电股份有限公司(ShenzhenNanshanPower,简称深南电)拒绝了高盛的交易子公司J.AronCompany就所谓的油价对冲合约违约提出的8000万美元索赔请求。

    Shenzhen Nanshan Power last week refused demands by J. Aron Company , a trading subsidiary of Goldman Sachs , to pay $ 80m for alleged default on oil-hedging contracts .

  13. AIG拥有南山人寿95%的股权,该公司拥有台湾11%的市场份额。

    AIG owns 95 per cent of Nan Shan , which has an 11 per cent market share .

  14. 表明了重庆南山的几种主要土壤都存在一定的抗酸化能力,在这个临界值范围内,土壤溶液的pH值及其中物质的元素浓度都相对稳定;

    The results show that all the four types of soil had some capability of anti-acidification and in this range , the pH of leached solution and elements in it could keep relative stable .

  15. 如果认为南山能卖到20亿美元,AIG未免有些过于乐观了,台湾一名银行高管表示。

    AIG may be too optimistic if it thinks it can fetch $ 2bn for Nan Shan , said a Taiwan banking executive .

  16. 对南山实业股票价格预测后发现,改进的GM(1,1)提高了预测的精度,具有更高的应用价值。

    The result from forecasting the stock price change of Nanshan Industrial Corporation shows that the adjusted GM ( 1,1 ) model is more accurate and more available than the original one .

  17. AIG拥有南山95%的股份。按总保费衡量,南山是台湾第三大保险商,占11%的市场份额。

    AIG owns 95 per cent of Nan Shan , Taiwan 's third-largest life insurer by gross premiums with an 11 per cent market share .

  18. 昨日,美术设计师、工艺品设计师和时装设计师们齐聚在南山区OCT生态广场的创意市集,出售他们的创意及尖端产品。

    Arts , crafts and fashion designers gathered at a creativity market in the OCT Ecological Square in Nanshan District to sell their creative and cutting-edge products yesterday .

  19. 采用等电聚焦凝胶电泳法对贵州黔南山区68份大豆地方品种的脂肪氧化酶进行了测定,发现了17份Lox-3缺失体。

    17 soybean accessions with no lipoxygenase-3 ( Lox-3 ) were found by IEF & PAGE test on 68 local varieties in Qiannan Mountainous Areas .

  20. 其后,另一家也试图收购南山人寿的台湾银行中信金控(chinatrustfinancial)威胁要起诉aig,因为aig拒绝了后者自称更高的出价。

    Then Chinatrust Financial , a Taiwanese bank that had also tried to buy Nan Shan , threatened to sue AIG for rejecting what it claimed to be a higher bid .

  21. 采用ICP-AES法测定了海南山苦茶中钙、镁、铝、锌、铜、锰、锶和磷元素的含量,为对其深入研究提供了科学依据。

    ICP-AES is employed to determine element content of Ca , Mg Al , Fe , Zn , Cu , Mn , Sr and P in Mallotus furetianus , providing scientific evidence for the in-depth research .

  22. 结合深圳市南山垃圾发电厂分散控制系统(DCS)与垃圾焚烧炉炉排控制系统通讯的工程实例,介绍了炉排垃圾焚烧炉的特点。

    Combining with the engineering practice of communication between distributed control system ( DCS ) and grate stoker controlling system for Nanshan MSW Power Plant , Shenzhen City , the features of grate stoker type MSW incinerator have been presented .

  23. 1904年,日本又在大连南山和上海徐家汇架设了大森(Omori)地震仪。

    In1904 , Japan installed the Omori Seismograph in the South Hill , Dalian , and Xujiahui , Shanghai .

  24. 广西南山30MW立轴4喷嘴冲击式水轮机进水管及喷嘴的安装与质量控制

    Quality control and installation of intake pipe and nozzle for 30 MW vertical impulse turbine with 4 nozzles

  25. 预计出售台湾第三大保险公司南山人寿(NanShan)将为AIG带来逾20亿美元所得,是这家遭受重创的美国保险公司去年开始出售资产以来规模最大的一次资产剥离行动。

    The sale of Nan Shan , the country 's third-largest insurer , is expected to bring in more than $ 2bn , representing the largest divestment made by the stricken US insurer since it began shedding assets last year .

  26. 证券服务提供商中兴保全(taiwansecom)本周表示,该公司与上次拍卖的获胜者博智金融(primusfinancial)结成了合作关系,将共同出价收购南山人寿的部分或全部股权。

    Taiwan Secom , a security services provider , said this week it was in partnership with Primus financial , the winner of the first auction , to submit a bid to buy part or all of Nan Shan .

  27. 伴随着大型企业ERP系统的引入,烟台南山学院对信息化数据处理的要求也日益迫切,并着手建设信息化管理体系,开发切合自身需求的信息系统。

    With the introduction of EPR system for large corporations , the requirements for information data processing of Yantai Nanshan University also becomes urgent . And as the information management system is under construction , Yantai Nanshan University starts to develop an information system that could meet its needs .

  28. 雷公藤(TripterygiumWilfordiiHook.f)系卫矛科雷公藤属木质藤本植物,在我国主要分布于长江流域以南山区和东北长白山区。

    Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook . f is the Tripterygii plant of Celastraceae , which mainly distributes in the southern mountain area of the drainage area of the Changjiang River and the Changbai Mountain in the northeast area .

  29. 深圳嘉汇海实业有限公司深圳市嘉汇海实业有限公司(KNH)成立于1995年,位于深圳市南山区美丽的西丽湖畔,环境优美,交通便利。

    K & H is founded in1995 , locating on the beautiful Xili lake of Nanshan District Shenzhen City , where the environment is very beautiful , and traffic condition is very convenient .

  30. 南山矿煤巷锚网支护的发展

    Development of coal entry anchor net support at Nanshan Coal Mine