
  • 网络nanjing culture
  1. 南京文化艺术中心复杂预应力框架分段张拉工艺

    Sectional Stretching Proceeding of Prestressed Frame Structure in Nanjing Culture & Art Center

  2. 南京文化旅游深度开发策略研究

    Deep Exploitation of Nanjing Culture Tourism THE STUDY ON DEEP EXPLOITATION OF GULANGYU SCENIC SPOT

  3. 此后,南京文化产业的增速始终高于全市GDP的增速,真正实现了跨越式发展。

    Since then , Nanjing has always been higher than the growth of cultural industries in the city 's GDP growth rate , truly leaps and bounds .

  4. 南京文化局限杂议

    Of Nanjing Culture ′ s Limitations

  5. 南京文化旅游资源分析及产品开发研究

    The Study on the Analysis of the Cultural Tourist Resources and the Development of Cultural Tourist Products in Nanjing

  6. 本文概述了南京文化市场的发展状况,以及在周边城市中所处的位置与差距。

    This paper describes Nanjing's30-year developing track for Cultural Market , current status , position and gap in surrounding cities .

  7. 但是,它是南京文化的组成部分,不宜以“清凉山文化”称之。

    However , it is a part of Nanjing culture , and " culture of Qingliang Mountain " is not a proper parlance .

  8. 最后,为促进南京文化旅游的良性发展,提出了相应的对策建议。

    Finally , in order to promote the benign development of the cultural tourism industry in Nanjing , the paper put forward to the corresponding countermeasures .

  9. 第四章南京文化旅游产品的开发。明确了南京文化旅游的产品定位,提出了南京文化旅游产品的开发体系,并以南京民国文化旅游产品开发为例,对南京民国文化旅游线路进行了研究。

    Basing on production framework of cultural tourism in Nanjing , chapter 4 provides right cultural tourism product in allusion to subsection of market of cultural tourism .

  10. 本文从南京文化旅游的资源现状出发,对南京文化旅游的资源特色进行了分析,提出了南京文化旅游产品开发的重点和建议,希望对南京文化旅游的发展有所裨益。

    Based on status quo of cultural tourist resources in Nanjing , the thesis analyzes product of cultural tourism and point out emphasis and advice for cultural tourism in Nanjing .

  11. 南京历史文化资源存量与价值评估

    The Quantity and Value Evaluation of Nanjing Historic and Cultural Resources

  12. 这也可以看出南京的文化传承。

    This also can be seen in Nanjing cultural heritage .

  13. 南京历史文化的时空解读

    On the Cultural Time and Space of Nanjing History

  14. 南京六朝文化旅游开发研究

    Tourism Exploitation of the Six Dynasties Culture in Nanjing

  15. 南京历史文化名城保护思考

    Reflections on the Conservation of Historic City of Nanjing

  16. 先锋书店此后成了南京的文化地标和旅游胜地。

    It 's since become a cultural landmark and tourist attraction in the city .

  17. 南京历史文化资源的挖掘、保护与管理机制研究

    The Research on Development , Protection and Management Mechanism of Historical Cultural Resources in Nanjing

  18. 南京区域文化是古代吴地文化的一个发展

    Nanjing Local Culture Being the Development of the Culture in the Area of Ancient Wu Kingdom

  19. 对南京历史文化名城保护规划的几点认识

    Some points of observation on the conservation of famous historical sites in the city of Nanjin

  20. 原因主要是南京的文化大族流寓多于土著以及有关南京的文献留存数量不多。

    Because cultural lineages in Nanjing were more immigration than indigenous and the retained amount is not much related literature .

  21. 南京的文化事业繁荣活跃,文化产业取得长足进步。

    Cultural undertakings in Nanjing are very prosperous ; and the cultural industry has made great progress in recent years .

  22. 绚丽多彩的秦淮灯彩展示南京传统文化的同时也使其高超的手工艺得到赞誉。

    Colorful Qinhuai Lantern shows the traditional culture of Nanjing and it gains high praise for superb craft at the same time .

  23. 因此,开发南京市文化旅游资源,加快南京市现代旅游业的发展,实现南京市文化旅游业的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。

    It is necessary to exploit the culture tourism resources , to speed up the tourist development and to realize the culture tourism sustainable development in NanJing .

  24. 第四部分,主要基于对南京云锦文化遗产保护的研究,上升至对南京云锦发展思路,方法的探究。

    The fourth part , mainly based on to the research of Nanjing Brocade cultural heritage protection , rises to discuss the further development and the method of Nanjing Brocade .

  25. 文章分析了南京六朝文化旅游的开发现状,阐述了六朝文化的特征,在此基础上提出了开发规划的基本构思。

    This paper first analysis the exploitation actuality of the Six Dynasties culture tourism in Nanjing , then expounds the character of the Six Dynasties culture , based on this , it gives advice on exploitation and layout .

  26. 对话与共生&南京玄武区文化艺术中心建筑方案设计随笔

    Dialog and Coexisting-Essay of the Design of Nanjing Xuanwu Borough Culture Art Center

  27. 南京国民政府文化建设研究(1927-1949)

    The Study on the Culture Construction of Nanjing Kuomintang Government ( 1927 ~ 1949 );

  28. 南京东路家居文化街,重点建成文化用品、品牌家居经销为主的特色街;

    Residential Culture Street on Nanjing Road ( E ) is the characteristic street focused on cultural commodities and distribution of brand residence .

  29. 南京都市圈文化产业形成了以南京为核心的六大特征和三重圈层发展态势,呈现出市场导向带动政策支持、产业链拉长的新格局。

    The cultural industry in Nanjing urban circle has cultivated development form of six characteristics and triple layer circles and a new pattern of policy support driven by market has est .

  30. 作为斯堪的纳维亚历史上的首都,斯德哥尔摩期待与六朝(十朝)古都南京,分享文化遗产保护方面的经历。

    Stockholm , the Historical Capital of Scandinavia , wants to share experiences with Nanjing , the Capital City of Six or Ten Dynasties , on how to take care of the cultural heritage .