
  • 网络Nanjing Railway Station
  1. 南京站主站房下部为混凝土结构,屋盖为斜拉钢结构。

    In Nanjing Railway Station , concrete is used as the main structure and stay cable steel structure as the roof construction .

  2. 较详细地介绍了南京站主站房斜拉索锚固节点的试验过程,包括有限元计算、试验装置设计、试验结果分析等。

    This paper introduces the experimental study on the model test of anchoring joint of stay cable used in Nanjing railway station , including the finite element analysis , the design of the test installation , the test results analysis , etc.

  3. 南京站规划设计景观解读

    Landscaping denotation of the planning and design of Nanjing railway station

  4. 南京站主站房地震模拟振动台试验研究

    Shaking table test for the structure of Nanjing Railway Station

  5. 城市地铁(南京站)过站区隧道施工安全监控分析

    Safety Monitoring Analysis in Across-station Tunnel Construction of Nanjing Metro

  6. 线性扰动河流预报模型应用&南京站、镇江站潮水位预报

    Application of linear perturbation model to tidal level forecasting

  7. 在南京站加挂了两节车厢。

    Two extra carriages were joined on at Nanjing .

  8. 下一站,南京站站到了,有下车的乘客请准备下车。

    Next station is Nanjing railway station , please be ready for getting off .

  9. 南京站斜拉索锚固节点模型试验

    Experimental Study on Model Test of Anchoring Joint of Stay Cable for Nanjing Railway Station

  10. 南京站实时潮位预报系统研制

    Design and Implementation of the Real - Time Tidal Level Forecasting System for Nanjing Tidal Station

  11. 地铁南京站下穿南京铁路站场施工过程的三维数值模拟及工程应用

    A 3-D Numerical Simulation and Application of Subway Tunnels beneath Existing Railway Lines in the Nanjing Railway Station

  12. 长江流域感潮河段潮位预报研究及在南京站的应用

    The Study of Tidal Level Forecasting in Tidal Reach of the Changjiang River Catchment and Its Application at Nanjing Tidal Station

  13. 使用时程法计算了南京站网架在大震作用下的结构反应,计算结果已用于工程实际。

    The reaction of Nanjing station structure during severer earthquake is calculated through time history method , and the result is satisfactory and useful to the design work .

  14. 针对南京站车站工程所处的地质和水文地质环境,介绍了工程结构自防水和外防水相结合的设计方案,并对工程采用的主要防水施工工艺作了详细介绍。

    In view of geologic and hydrogeological condition around the stop , a waterproofing design which combines self-waterproofing of structure with outer waterproofing was adopted for the stop project . The article details main waterproofing methods used .

  15. 作为新中国第三代铁路客站的代表,南京站将现代技术、环境特色、城市文化、交通建筑空间特质在设计上高度融合,具有鲜明的时代特色。

    As the representative work of the third genera - tion railway passenger station in China , Nanjing Station , marked with distinctive epochal character , highly integrates modern technique , environment features , urban culture and the spacial nature of transportation building into a whole .

  16. 赛间体能训练的负荷呈波浪式规律起伏,杭州站、上海站、南京站整体负荷节奏以小为主,结合间歇日出现中等负荷。

    The loads of physical and condition training between the games are ups and downs like waves , the whole load rhythm in hangzhou , Shanghai and Nanjing stations is mainly " small " give priority to , combined with intermittent day appear " medium " load .

  17. 沈阳地铁南京街站基坑围护方案研究

    On foundation pit supporting scheme of Nanjing street station in Shenyang subway

  18. 南京火车站旅客进站天桥钢结构设计

    Steel Structure Design of Entrance Bridge of Nanjing Railway Station

  19. 南京火车站站前高架平台结构设计

    Structure Design of the Elevated Platform in Front of NanJing Railway Station

  20. 南京火车站下地铁车站修建技术

    Building Technology of Subway Station Under Nanjing Railway Station

  21. 都市耕作&南京地铁站:空间、场地、功能

    Farmthecity : urban intervention Nanjing Metro Stations : space , site & program

  22. 上海轨道交通10号线南京东路站建筑设计实践

    Architectural Design of East Nanjing Road Station of Shanghai Rail Transit Line 10

  23. 南京火车站主站房预应力钢屋盖采用桅杆斜拉索悬挂钢结构型式。

    The prestressed steel roof of Nanjing railway station is suspended by cables .

  24. 新南京火车站

    New Nanjing Railway Station

  25. 以南京火车站的站房结构为模型,使用一致激励和多点激励计算了结构在不同激励状况下的结构响应。

    The seismic responses of structure of Nanjing Station are numerically simulated under the uniform excitation and the traveling-wave excitation .

  26. 南京火车站主站房主体结构采用混凝土结构,屋盖及幕墙支承体系采用钢结构。

    The main building of Nanjing Railway Station is made up of concrete structure and the roof and curtain wall made up of steel structure .

  27. 结合南京火车站站前广场龙蟠路新建隧道工程,介绍了钻孔咬合桩的一般施工技术要求和主要控制措施。

    In combination with the recently built tunnel engineering near the train station of Nanjing , some general technical requirements and major controlling measures were presented in the text .

  28. 分析了南京火车站站前广场老隧道出现渗漏的原因,探讨了老隧道改造工程中的防水技术,并对老隧道不同部位的防水技术改造作了介绍。

    The article analyses the causes for leaking in the tunnel of Nanjing Railway Station Square , discusses about waterproofing techniques used in renovation of the tunnel and describes the ways of waterproofing in its different positions .

  29. 再通过结合南京火车站站前广场新建龙蟠路隧道深基坑监测,及对监测结果的深入分析,对深基坑工程的信息化施工提出了一些看法。

    Combined with monitoring and analysis of the new Long Pan Road Tunnel deep foundation pit in the Nanjing depot piazza , some ideas about communication construction in deep foundation pit are put forward in the paper .

  30. 此车次将连接中国经济的两个发电站,整个车程当中只有南京一个站。

    The train will connect two of China 's economic powerhouses with only one stop between them in Nanjing .