
  • 网络Nanxiong city
  1. 广东省南雄市竹博园总体规划方案

    Overall Plan of Bamboo Garden in Nanxiong City , Guangdong Province

  2. 文章介绍了南雄市竹博园总体规划。

    The paper introduces the overall plan of bamboo garden in Nanxiong city .

  3. 广东省南雄市数字抗旱预案支撑技术体系研究

    Research Data to Support Technical System and Drought Plans of Nanxiong City , Guangdong Province

  4. 粤北南雄市珠玑镇三平正并殖吸虫高度疫源地调查

    Investigation on the highly infectious focus of Euparagonimus cenocopiosus at Zhuji town , Nanxiong city of north Guangdong province

  5. 同时加大人力资本的培育和开发力度,为南雄市的工业发展提供所需高素质人才。

    At the same time increase human capital to cultivate and develop strength , provide high-quality talent for the city development .

  6. 南雄市境内四周群山环抱,中部丘陵平原,称“南雄红层盆地”,是远古时代恐龙的故乡。

    Nanxiong city surrounded by hills in the central hilly plains , known as " Nanxiong red bed basin " is the ancient home of dinosaurs .