
  1. 有机化合物的单电子转移反应(SET)是一个新兴的前沿领域。

    Single Electron Transfer ( SET ) reaction is a rising front field .

  2. 二氧化氯与苯酚的单电子转移反应机理

    Mechanism of the single electron transfer between clo_2 and phenol

  3. 氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅺ)&哌啶氮氧自由基与羟胺的单电子转移反应

    Studies on Nitroxides (ⅺ) & One-Electron Transfer Reaction of Piperidine Nitroxides with Hydroxylamine

  4. 配合物单电子转移反应的电子传递系数计算

    Calculation of the electronic transmission coefficient for single electron transfer reaction in the coordination compound

  5. α-氰基苄基碳负离子钠盐与碳酸二乙酯的单电子转移反应动力学和机理

    Kinetics and Mechanism of the SET Reaction of α - Cyanobenzyl Carbanion Sodium Salt with Diethyl Carbonate

  6. 单电子转移反应

    Single Electron Transfer Reactions

  7. 辅酶模型化合物与过硫化物间单电子转移反应机制的新证据

    A new evidence for the one-electron transfer between organic disulfides and a model coenzyme of nadh , n benzyl-1 , 4 Dihydronicotinamide

  8. 用苯乙烯进行捕获实验只减少3的量而对4无影响。根据实验结果对1的还原性进行了讨论,提出1向2发生单电子转移的反应机理。

    Trapping experiment with styrene decreased the amount of S but had no effect on the formation of 4 . The reducing property of 1 is discussed and single electron transfer mechanism for the reaction of 1 With 2 is proposed .

  9. 单电子转移和硝化反应

    Single electron transfer and nitration reaction