
  1. 1953年,19岁的单田芳走上了评书表演的道路。

    Shan launched his career as a pingshu performer in 1953 at age 19 .

  2. 2007年,单田芳宣布收山。

    In 2007 , he announced his retirement .

  3. 本周二,我国评书大师单田芳在北京逝世,享年84岁。

    One of China 's top pingshu masters , Shan Tianfang , died at the age of 84 in Beijing on Tuesday .

  4. 单田芳的评书伴随了许多国人的成长,而他永远都会是中国人民心中的一个传奇。

    Shan 's story accompanied many Chinese to grow up and Shan will remain as a legend in Chinese people 's heart .

  5. 单田芳本名单传忠,辽宁营口人,家人多是当地民间艺术家,单田芳深受家庭熏陶。

    Born as Shan Chuanzhong in Yingkou , Liaoning , Shan was influenced by his family , most of whom were local folk artists .

  6. 2012年,单田芳在第七届中国曲艺牡丹奖上获得终身成就奖。曲艺是评弹、评书和相声等传统民间艺术形式的统称。

    In 2012 , Shan won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 7th Peony Awards for China Quyi -- a general term for traditional folk art forms , including ballad singing , storytelling and crosstalk .

  7. 通常以一对屏风、一张桌子、一把折扇、一块醒木为背景,单田芳凭借扎实的技巧和即兴演绎,将书中的场面描绘得如电影片段般生动逼真,引人入胜,虏获了大批热情的粉丝。

    With a backdrop -- usually a pair of screen doors , a table , a folding fan and a block of wood ( known as xingmu ) -- Shan won a large base of enthusiastic fans for his solid techniques and improvisation , describing the scenes in the book in vivid and captivating ways , like movie clips .