
  • 网络unit one
  1. 三是CCD摄像系统的成本问题,CCD的像点电荷都是以行为单位一步一步地转移到读出区的,这一个特征大大制约了CCD的工作频率。

    Third is to decrease the cost of imaging system . For CCD imaging sensor , the electric charge move to reading area under line unit one by one that limit the working frequency .

  2. 单位一是量钢一的量(无量纲量)的SI单位,也是计数量的SI单位,它在某些方面与SI中的其他单位具有不同之处。

    The unit one is SI unit of quantities of dimension one ( dimensionless quantities ), and it is also SI unit of numerical values . The unit one differs greatly from other units in SI in some respects .

  3. 他今天在单位一天都不顺,回家也是一肚子气。

    He had a bad day at work and came home all bent out of shape .

  4. 论单位一的特殊性

    On the Particularity of the Unit One

  5. 史诗单位一开始是不具有防空能力的,除非进行升级或有部队护送,否则它们对与空军是不设防的。

    Epic Units start off with no anti-air capabilities and are defenseless against air units unless upgraded or escorted .

  6. 对省级地调院进行明确的定位,是省级地勘单位一系列改革中极其重要的内容之一。

    A definite orientation set for the Provincial Institute of Geological Survey is an important link in a series of measures taken in the reform .

  7. 该标准设备通过了有关单位一级标准机构的认证,可以满足各种湿度敏感元件和传感器的静态测试。

    The standard humidity generator has authenticated to first class standard , and it can be used for static test on all kinds of humidity sensors .

  8. 说明:1、本表一式份,总监签字后监理站、监理分站各留一分,施工单位一份;

    Note : 1.this form is in copies , with each for the supervision station and the supervision sub-station , and one for the construction company upon signature of the chief supervisory engineer .

  9. 税收内部机构运作成本和其他国家机关、企事业单位一祥,其包含了是机构能正常运行的各项耗能、人力资本、硬件设施成本等等。

    Tax internal mechanism operation cost and other state organs , enterprises and institutions , which contains a mechanism to the normal operation of the various energy consumption , human capital , hardware cost and so on .

  10. 研究单位一附院口腔科研究对象适应于直接盖髓治疗的患者90例,患牙90枚,年龄13~58岁,平均年龄33乡。

    Setting Oral Department of the First Affiliated Hospital . Patients 90 cases of the direct pulp-capping , 90 sick tooth , the age range was 13 ~ 58 years old , the average was 33 years old .

  11. 造成经济效益很差的根本原因在于经营决策系统不健全,投入规模过大,而市场容量有限,管理不善,缺乏严密的监控,以及勘查自然风险全部由承包施工单位一方承担所致。

    It is thought that imperfect decision-making system , excessive input over market capacity , lack of rigid supervision over poor management and natural risks in prospecting totally undertaken by the part of the contractor are the root causes of poor economic results .

  12. 当地一家影院的一位负责人说,甚至半个多月前就有很多人来询问这部影片什么时候上映,有些公司和单位一下子就包了两三场的票。

    An official from a local cinema said that even half a month ago many people had inquired about when the movie would be shown , and some companies and institutions simply booked all of the available tickets for two or three shows .

  13. 研究单位一附院内分泌研究室研究对象男性甲亢患者34例,年龄22~58岁,症状、体征及实验室检查均符合甲亢标准;

    Setting Research Laboratory of Endocrinology , First Affiliated Hospital . Patients and Other Participants 34 cases with hyperthyroidism ( male ), the range of age is 22 to 58 years old . All the symptoms , signs and laboratory findings are according with diagnostic criterion of hyperthyroidism .

  14. 城市规划将城市视为一个单位,一个有机的整体。

    City planning treats the city as a unit , as an organic whole .

  15. 这个遗传单位由一个互补群,也就是一个基因所组成。

    This hereditary unit comprises a single complementation group , or in other words a single gene .

  16. 超声颅内压力自计仪单位:一所区级医院神经内科、CT室、经颅多普勒超声室。

    Ultrasonic intracranial pressuregraph SETTING Department of Neurology ? CT Room and Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography Room in a municipal hospital .

  17. 抗-HBs国际单位RIA一点法定量测定与计算方法的探讨

    Study of quantitative assay and calculate method with RIA A dot-assay in titrating IU of anti-HBs

  18. 今年3月,周小川表示,这一职能可由国际货币基金组织(imf)的计价单位由一篮子货币组成的特别提款权(specialdrawingright)来履行。

    In March , Mr Zhou said that role could be filled by the special drawing right , a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund as a unit of account .

  19. 例如,作为组织单位的一部分,包括诸如DEV、TEST、QA、PROD之类的值非常有用。

    For example , it can be very useful to include values like DEV , TEST , QA , PROD , and so forth , as part of the Organizational Unit .

  20. 该系统采用的是以字为基本单位的一元语法模型Uni-Gram,建立在语料库的基础上,仅用输入前N个字的字频计算输入串的生成概率,可以高速、准确识别。

    The algorithm uses Uni-Gram whose basic cell is Chinese character . The system can recognize quickly and accurately only using the first N Chinese characters .

  21. 以不对称单位只有一个分子的牛胰核糖核酸酶和T4溶菌酶晶体为材料,着重研究了无机盐、有机溶剂和PEG三类不同的沉淀剂对晶体分子堆积的影响。

    The effects of three kinds of precipitants , i.e. salt , organic precipitant and PEG on the molecular packing are analyzed with 12 different crystal forms of T4 lysozyme and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease , where there is only one protein molecule in an asymmetric unit .

  22. 初步分析认为Gliese581g与恒星的距离为0.15个天文单位(一个天文单位约等于地球至太阳的平均距离),较近的轨道距离使得该行星公转一周只需37天。

    Estimates suggest Gliese 581g is 0.15 astronomical units ( One astronomical unit is the average distance between the Earth and sun ) from its star , close enough to its star to be able to complete an orbit in just less than 37 days .

  23. 笔者所在单位是一家省级地勘事业单位。

    The author is a provincial geological survey units and institutions .

  24. 单位:一所市级医院创伤外科研究所。

    SETTING : An institute of trauma surgery of a municipal hospital .

  25. 单位:一所大学医院的护理部和血液透析中心。

    SETTING : Nursing department and dialysis center in a university hospital .

  26. 分圆域中单位的一个性质及其应用

    A property of units in cyclotomic fields and Its Applications

  27. 单位:一所医院的航空医学研究中心。

    SETTING : Aviation medicine research center of a hospital .

  28. 用于某种目的认为是一个单位的一组字符串。

    A character string considered as a unit for a given purpose .

  29. 单位:一种特殊的社会生活空间

    The Unit : A Type of Special Social Life Scope

  30. 为当前玩家显示单位肖像一段时间。

    Talking portrait show unit talking to current player for duration milliseconds .