
  • 网络Single Country Fund;Single-country Fund
  1. 实际上,以3年累计收益率计算,表现最佳的4只基金都是致力于这个日益蓬勃发展的经济体的单一国家基金。

    Indeed , on a three-year cumulative basis , the four best - performing funds have been single-country funds dedicated to this burgeoning economy .

  2. 他表示,投资者更应该通过一个覆盖广泛的多元化基金,来考虑自己对新兴市场的投资,然后按照自己的喜好补充单一国家基金,而不是把注意力全放在一个金砖四国基金上。

    He says investors should rather consider exposure to emerging markets through a broad diversified fund and then add single country funds if they like rather than focus solely on a BRIC fund .

  3. 美盛投资(leggmasoninvestments)亚洲主管lennielim表示,今年早些时候,当乐观情绪漫溢之时,亚洲地区投资者还乐于将大笔资金投入单一国家股票基金。

    Lennie Lim , head of Asia at Legg Mason investments , says regional investors were happy to pile into single country equity funds earlier this year when optimism abounded .