
dān yī zhì ɡuó jiā
  • unitary state;simple state
  1. 然后,一步一步了解了单一制国家和联邦制国家具体的解释。

    Secondly , step by step to understand the interpretation of the unitary state and federalism explain to the country .

  2. 在法院体系方面,基本上可以划分为两种类型:单一制国家法院体系与联邦制国家法院体系。

    In the court system , it can be divided into two types , namely , unitary state court system and federal state court system .

  3. 国家结构形式主要可以分为单一制国家和复合制国家。

    The form of state 's structure is divided into single state and multiple state .

  4. 中央与地方的权限划分,在联邦制和单一制国家有不同的模式。

    Division of power and responsibility between central-local governments is one of important constitutional issues .

  5. 无论是联邦制国家还是单一制国家,大多通过建立社会保障预算制度,合理分配和管理社会保障资源。

    Federal nations and monopoly countries distribute and manage social security resource fairly by social security budget .

  6. 香港特别行政区的设立使我国单一制国家结构形式有了新的充实。

    The founding of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region marks a new expansion of our single state structure .

  7. 任何国家都存在集权或分权的两种力的作用,中国便是一个带有联邦制因素的单一制国家。

    Both Concentration and decentralization exist in every state , and China is the solidarity state with federalist characteristics .

  8. 因此,英国被认为是一个权力下放的单一制国家。这与联邦制国家是不同的。

    One of their main arguments is that MPs ( and thus voters ) from different parts of the UK have inconsistent powers .

  9. 日本是单一制国家,财政分配实行中央向地方转移支付。

    Japan , a country of unitary fiscal system , carries out a transfer payment from central government to local governments in fiscal distribution .

  10. 我国是单一制国家,实行中央统一领导、地方分级管理的体制。

    China is a unitary state , which practices the system of unified central leadership , with specific responsibilities distributed across different levels of local government .

  11. 而日本属于单一制国家政体,日本的地方公债,早在明治初年就已开始发行。

    Japan is a unitary state system of government . Local Treasury bonds have been issued as early as the beginning of the Meiji dynasty in Japan .

  12. 中国是世界上解决民族问题最好的国家之一,也是世界上唯一在单一制国家结构形式下实行民族区域自治制度的国家。

    PRC is one of the best countries that solve national problem in the world , is only one country to make regional national autonomy under unitary state .

  13. 拉夫罗夫畅谈了俄罗斯青睐的乌克兰问题解决办法。这种解决办法将采取某种形式的联邦制,可能是为了防止乌克兰成为与西方关系密切的单一制国家。

    Mr. Lavrov talked up Russia 's favored approach to Ukraine , which envisions some form of federation as a hedge against Ukraine emerging as a unitary state with strong ties to the West .

  14. 单一制国家宪法则无直接冠名,也很少在宪法全文中用单一制这样明显的文字直接表述国家结构形式。

    While the constitution of unitary state does not name it a unitary state directly , nor expresses the states structure by using the dear word of unitary system in the full context of the constitution .

  15. 中国是实行单一制的国家,在单一制的前提下又实行民族区域自治制度与特别行政区制度。

    China is a country with single system , but there are still regional national autonomy system and special administrative region system .

  16. 中国古代立法解释的成因则主要有三个:立法的局限性、法律的局限性、单一制集权国家的政治法律传统。

    There are three major contributing factors namely the limitation of legislation , the limitation of law and the political law tradition of a single-system and centralized country .

  17. 这是一种在单一制条件下解决国家统一问题的新创造。

    This policy is a creation , which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system .

  18. 这一时期,它勾画了联邦制与单一制结合的混合国家结构,健全了中央与地方政权机构并初步划分了双方的职权,采取了许多措施加强中央对地方监控和双方的沟通。

    In the period , it set up a national structure mixed with federalism and unity , amplified central and local authorities , made a initial distinction on functions and powers , and adopted many policies to strengthen and improve relations between central and local authorities .