
xié tónɡ xìnɡ
  • cooperativity;synergy;synergistic action
  1. 蚂蚁算法是一种新的随机优化算法,它利用人工蚂蚁在其途经路上释放信息素寻优,体现了正反馈、分布式、多agent协同性和并行性等特点。

    Ant system ( AS ) is a new Stochastic optimization algorithm achieved by artificial ants ' releasing pheromone on the path , characterized with a positive feedback , distributed computing , multi-agent synergy and parallel algorithm .

  2. Zn-Al-Mg-RE涂层与有机涂层协同性的研究

    Synergy effect between Zn-Al-Mg-RE coating and organic coatings

  3. 作为团队的一员工作,确保大家工作的协同性和共享性。

    Work as part of a team and make sure everyone works together and shares the work .

  4. 集成化采矿CAD的知识协同性研究

    Research the Cooperation of Knowledge in Integrated Mine CAD

  5. 成熟的商品化CAD系统不能支持设计师在产品开发早期的协同性创造思维。

    The commercial CAD system can 't support collaborative creation thinking of designer in the early days of product development .

  6. 同时,由于基于高层体系结构HLA(HighLevelArchitecture)的分布式仿真系统具有良好的互操作性、可重用性、灵活性、可扩充性和协同性。

    At the meantime , the distributed simulation system based on High Level Architecture ( HLA ) has a good performance on reusability and interoperability .

  7. 遥视与EMS运行的协同性研究

    Study of the cooperation between remote vision and EMS

  8. P-gp表达与p53表达有显著的协同性(P<0.05)。

    Co-expression of p53 , and P-gp were commonly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 因此,通过散热结构的改进,优化散热表面流场与温度场之间的协同性,也是强化LED散热的有效途径。

    Therefore , it is an effective way of LED heat transfer enhancement through optimizing the heat-dissipation structure to improve coordination of velocity and heat flow fields .

  10. 协同性是CSCW的主要特性。

    Cooperation is a main characteristic of CSCW .

  11. SOD、POD、CAT活性随胁迫强度增加呈先减后增的趋势,并有很好的协同性。

    Activity of SOD , POD and CAT increased first , then decreased with the stress intensity increased , and had a good coordination .

  12. 结论:以EGFR为靶点的DNA疫苗和靶向药物吉非替尼之间具有协同性抗肿瘤作用,DNA疫苗主动免疫可以提高吉非替尼的疗效。

    Conclusion : DNA vaccine targeting EGFR has a synergistic effect with gefitinib in antitumor activity , and this DNA vaccine can increase the efficiency of gefitinib .

  13. 另一方面,基于已成为IEEE1516标准的高层次体系架构(HLA:HighLevelArchitecture)的分布式仿真系统具有良好的互操作性、可重用性、可扩展性和协同性。

    On the other hand , the distributed simulation system based on High Level Architecture ( HLA ), which has been established as an open and international IEEE standard , has a good performance on reusability and interoperability .

  14. 在不同pH条件下Mg~(++)、Mn~(++)对高粱叶片NADP-苹果酸酶表现出不同程度的协同性。

    In a variety of pH conditions the effects of Mg ~ ( + + ) and Mn ~ ( + + ) on the activity of NADP-malic enzyme were synergistic to some extent .

  15. 提出了基于WEB环境的合作学习系统的概念,通过CSCW工作环境,形成虚拟的协作学习群体,强调合作学习的交互性和协同性。

    The article puts forward the systematic concept of cooperative study based on WEB environment , through CSCW working environment , form fictitious studying in coordination in the colony , emphasize coordination and interaction of cooperative study .

  16. 结论:联合应用BCRABL基因Aspo及cmyb基因Aspo对K562细胞的抑制作用具有一定的协同性,可增强其抗白血病效果。

    Conclusion : It emerges coordination to combine bcr abl Aspo and c myb Aspo on K562 cells , and enhances the anti leukemia effect .

  17. 以维基(Wiki)为代表的社会性软件所具有的参与性、自组织性、协同性、聚合性、开放性等特性,使其成为了知识协同的有力工具之一。

    The social software represented by Wiki which its participation , self-organization , cooperation , polymerization , openness and other characteristics makes itself becomes a powerful tool for knowledge collaboration .

  18. 将企业信息化过程最大限度标准化单元化,利用LotusDomino平台原有的协同性和扩展性,是设计基于LotusDomino协同商务系统的主要思路。

    Building the enterprise information system with the set theory , farthest standard the enterprise , use the collaborative and extension of Lotus Domino , all of these are the mostly thought of collaborative commerce system based on the Lotus Domino .

  19. 在2G和3G进行互操作优化过程中要定期实行各种参数的协同性检查,确保两网参数设置相符,减少沟通环节,提升网络指标,减少数据冲突。

    In 2G and 3G interoperability to optimize the process parameters of the collaborative practice regularly checks to ensure the parameters match the two networks to reduce communication links to enhance the network targets , reduce data conflicts .

  20. 移动平台和操作臂两个子系统的组合使非完整WMM系统具有运动冗余性,要求运动协同性。

    The WMM is a composite system with two subsystems , so it is generally kinematically redundant , and coordinated motion is required .

  21. 随着客户需求的个性化和多样化,传统的CRM系统的协同性和应对变化的能力稍显不足,如何使系统能够应对如上情况已成为目前CRM研究的热点问题之一。

    With personalized and diversification of customer requirements , the traditional CRM system on the collaborative and the ability to cope with change slightly inadequate , how to make the system cope with above situation has become one of the hot topics of current CRM research .

  22. 目的观察沙利度胺和三氧化二砷(As2O3)对急性非淋巴细胞白血病(ANLL)细胞分泌血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的影响,并观察二者是否有协同性。

    Objective To investigate the effect of thalidomide and As_2O_3 to the secretion of VEGF of the cell of ANLL and study if there is coorperation in thalidomide and As_2O_3.Methods From October 2001 to February 2003,23 patients with ANLL were analyzed .

  23. 针对非协同性射频源,提出了一种基于Watson-Watt交叉环天线的短波测向新算法。

    A novel direction finding algorithm based on Watson-Watt crossed-loop antennas was presented . This method can be applied to non-coordinate RF source and uses a tri-channel model .

  24. 文章又进一步将研究深入到中小企业核心能力构成的关键要素上,并通过案例对关键要素的协同性进行了深入的分析并建立了METIC模型。

    Next , the research is going step further to the key factors of core ability for the small and medium-sized business .

  25. 结果静息状态下耐药细胞株K562/A02的PKC活性显著高于敏感株K562,有效调节浓度的Tet、Drol单独作用于K562、K562/A02细胞均可显著下调其PKC活性,联合应用有显著协同性。

    Results The PKC activity of K562 / A02 cells is higher than that of K562 cells significantly . Tetrandrine and Droloxifene in their effective regulating concentration alone can decrease the PKC activity of K562 / A02 cells and K562 cells . They have synergism when use together .

  26. 液压提升机驱动与制动工作协同性分析

    Cooperation Analysis of the Drive with the Brake for Hydraulic Hoist

  27. 企业技术创新能力系统的协同性研究国际男女同性恋协会

    Research on the Synergy of the Enterprise Technology Innovation Capability System

  28. 热滞蛋白界面吸附反应的协同性效应

    The Cooperative Effection of the Interfacial Adsorption of Thermal Hysteresis Proteins

  29. 协同性护理在癫病病人康复中的应用

    Applying of cooperative nursing in patients with epilepsy during rehabilitation

  30. 价值链管理与供应链管理的协同性分析

    Synergetic Analysis of Value Chain Management and Supply Chain Management