
huá lǐ
  • Chinese mile
华里 [huá lǐ]
  • [li,a unit of distance (=1/2killometre)] 中国的长度单位,等于500米

  1. 1公里为2华里。

    One kilometre is equivalent to two li .

  2. EdPauly是华里斯基金会研究和评估主任,这家非盈利组织投资了5500万美元来研究哪些项目在预防夏季学习损失上最有效。

    Ed Pauly is director of research and evaluation at the Wallace Foundation . The nonprofit group has invested fifty million dollars to study which programs work best to prevent summer learning loss .

  3. 一华里等于半公里。

    One li is equal to half a kilometre .

  4. 华里斯州长照他的承诺到校园。

    Governor Wallace did what he promised .

  5. 它使一华里方圆内一切人畜都窒息死亡。

    It suffocates and kills all living beings within one a circumference of . 5 kilometer .

  6. 我镇已招商引资建成了万亩瓜蒌基地和10华里长的瓜蒌走廊。

    I have investment in the town built a base Gualou million and10 Village Gualou long corridor .

  7. 统一陆壳也是显生宙以来逐步形成的:主要经历了加里东和华里西-印支两大构造阶段。

    The Qinghai crust was gradually collaged during the Paleozoic and mainly underwent Caledonian and Hercynian-Indosinian tectonic events .

  8. 从这里到我家乡有一百二十公里,即二百四十华里。

    It 's one hundred and twenty kilometres , or two hundred and forty li from here to my hometown .

  9. 此沟长达45华里,因峡谷内分布着十几处造型各异的悬崖而得名。

    This trench up to45 li , because valley is dotted with a dozen different forms of the cliff is named .

  10. 有的地方闹元宵,各路龙灯汇集竟达百余条,队伍长达二三华里。

    There place Lantern Festival , Separate ways dragon collection were as high as hundreds of articles , team up to23 li .

  11. 我接到母亲,与母亲坐长途汽车到一个小镇,而后步行二十华里到我服役的连队。

    I met mother , took long-distance bus with her to a small town , and then walked twenty kilometers to my enlisted troop .

  12. 第三条峡谷被称作“十悬峡”,因沟内分布着数十处弧形的悬崖而得名,全长45华里。

    Third canyon known as the " 10 hanging Gap ," because the groove is dotted with dozens of curved cliff named a total length of45 li .

  13. 本文阐述居华里、安华里以及天华里这三个小区的环境设计与建设的实例分析和整个居住区规划建设的宗旨。

    This article elaborates the aim of planning construction and the analysis of environmental design and construction of three small districts , namely Juhuali , Anhuali and Tianhuali .

  14. 长城绵亘中国的11个省、市、自治区,西起嘉峪关,东到鸭绿江,全长约12600华里。

    The Great Wall stretches some 6300km from Jiayuguan Pass in the west to the Yalujiang River in the east , traversing 11 provinces , municipalities and autonomous regions .

  15. 中间的一条峡谷为“海棠峪”35华里长的海棠峪翠壁兀立,耸入云天,奇险的老虎嘴,狭窄的一线天,实为罕见。

    The middle of a canyon to " Begonia valley " 35 li-long wall of Begonia Wu Li Chui valley , cloud-sky , strange insurance Lao Huzui , a narrow thin strip of sky is indeed rare .

  16. 昨晚上在大华里,我等你不来,闷得很,就跑进那跳舞厅去看看。我认识徐曼丽。

    I waited for you last night in the Great China hotel , but you didn 't come and I was feeling fed up , so I went into the ballroom to have a look round , and there she was ;