
  1. 但是这种蛏子能够以每秒1厘米的速度并且只消耗相当于一节AA号电池的能量就可以挖掘半公里的深度。

    But the razor clam could burrow a centimeter per second and go half a kilometer using only about a AA battery 's worth of energy .

  2. 一华里等于半公里。

    One li is equal to half a kilometre .

  3. 离这儿半公里远。

    It 's half a kilometer away from here .

  4. 一里相当于半公里。

    A li is half a kilometer .

  5. 餐厅是由蒂哈尔监狱发起的一项囚犯改造计划,离犯人宿舍只有半公里(0.6英里)。

    It is sited half a km ( 0.6 mile ) away from prisoners ' dormitories .

  6. 我真的没有记错:那条柏油路一直伸延到离岸边约半公里的地方。

    I was right about the tar : it led to within half a mile of the shore .

  7. 每种用途集中在“超级街区”之中,也就是我们今天在很多中国新社区中看到的长达半公里的建筑群。

    Each use is concentrated in " super-blocks , " the half-kilometer compounds that we see in many new developments in China .

  8. 虽然最后西蒙在距离父母的露营地只有半公里远的地方被发现,但他还是失踪了24小时之久。

    But Simon wasnt found for 24 hours even though he was ultimately discovered only about half a kilometer from the familys campsite .

  9. 如果我们最终得到了答案,也通常是用旧的度量单位“里”计算,一里是半公里。

    If we do eventually get an answer , it 's usually in the old measurement of " li ", a li being about half a kilometer .

  10. 基于这里的每家酒吧都设置了室外的露天区,因此置身其中你就能感受到一个完整的露天平台区都长达(0.3英里)半公里。

    Since each bar has an outdoor patio , the experience is one of an unbroken outdoor terrace that runs for nearly half a kilometer ( 0.3 mi ) .

  11. 古堡除了房间多之外,还有一个特色,那就是一个占地约半平方公里的花园和世界上最大的私家动物园。

    In addition to the numerous rooms , the castle also features a one-half square kilometers of gardens and the world largest private zoo .

  12. 过路人:大概有一里半,两公里吧。

    Passerby : About a mile and a half , two kilometres .