
  • 网络The Millennium Declaration;UN Millennium Declaration
  1. 在某种意义上,千年宣言及其目标是一种纠正性战略。

    In a sense , the Millennium Declaration and its Goals operate as a corrective strategy .

  2. 如《千年宣言》中所表述的,这便是我们共同人性的一部分。

    This , then , is part of our common humanity , as expressed in the Millennium Declaration .

  3. 《千年宣言》的发表,使全世界在贫困中煎熬的人们看到了曙光。

    The adoption of the Millennium Declaration brought light to the people suffering from poverty around the world .

  4. 千年宣言中是这样陈述的:“遭受不利影响或得益最少的人有权得到得益最多者的帮助。”

    As stated in the Millennium Declaration : " Those who suffer or who benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most . "

  5. 千年宣言及其目标的目的是要弥补创造效益但却没有规则保证公平分配效益的国际系统。

    They aim to compensate for international systems that create benefits , yet have no rules that guarantee the fair distribution of these benefits .

  6. 正如千年宣言中提到的,这是一个呼吁,呼吁在平等和社会公正的原则下,全球团结一致。

    As stated in the Millennium Declaration , this is a call for global solidarity based on the principles of equity and social justice .

  7. 我们现已接近2015年倒计时的中点。2015年由于《千年宣言》及其目标而意义重大且充满希望。

    We are near the mid-point in the countdown to2015 , the year given so much significance and promise by the Millennium Declaration and its goals .

  8. 千年宣言提出了一个能够指导对外关系的原则框架:即公平、社会公正,尤其是分担责任。

    The Millennium Declaration sets out a framework of principles that can guide foreign relations : equity , social justice , and above all , shared responsibility .

  9. 从《千年宣言》中产生的“千年发展目标”的确立,宣示了各国对“结成促进发展的全球伙伴关系”所作的承诺。

    The Millennium Development goals , derived from the Millennium declaration , establish as a commitment for countries ," to develop a global partnership for development " .

  10. 到2015年使产妇死亡率降低四分之三并使儿童死亡率降低三分之二是《千年宣言》的重点目标之一。

    Reducing the number of women dying in childbirth by three-quarters and reducing child mortality by two thirds by2015 is one of the key goals of the Millennium Declaration .

  11. 世纪之交,全球领导人聚首联合国,通过《联合国千年宣言》为未来达成了一个宏大的愿景。

    At the turn of the century , world leaders came together at the United Nations and agreed on a bold vision for the future through the Millennium Declaration .

  12. 这是一项前瞻性战略,一直展望到2015年。这一年由于千年宣言及其目标而意义重大并充满希望。

    This is a forward-looking strategy , extending to2015 , the year given so much significance , and so much promise , by the Millennium Declaration and its goals .

  13. 在另一份决议中,大会强调了为实现《千年宣言》所含发展目标,促进妇女、新生儿和儿童健康的重要性。

    In a separate resolution , the Assembly stressed the importance of promoting the health of women , newborns and children , in meeting the development goals contained in the Millennium Declaration .

  14. 十四年前,千年宣言明确提出了一个大胆的愿景,为改善人们的生存条件、挽救受疾病和饥饿威胁人们的生命设定了具体的目标。

    Fourteen years ago , the Millennium Declaration articulated a bold vision and established concrete targets for improving the existence of many and for saving the lives of those threatened by disease and hunger .

  15. 刚步入本世纪时,我们通过了旨在减少贫困的千年宣言和目标,并承诺通过重视增进健康来促进减贫。对照当前现实,真是辛辣讽刺。

    This is a bitter irony in a century that began with a Millennium Declaration and Goals aimed at substantial poverty reduction , with better health given a high place as a driving force .

  16. 在2015年底前制止并开始扭转艾滋病和疟疾等主要疾病的蔓延和流行,是《联合国千年宣言》确定的发展目标之一。

    To halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV / AIDS and incidence of malaria and other major diseases by2015 is one of the development goals set in the United Nations Millennium Declaration .

  17. 我国已经兑现对联合国《千年宣言》的承诺,向120多个发展中国家提供了经济援助,累计免除49个重债穷国和最不发达国家的债务。

    We have fulfilled our commitments under the UN Millennium Declaration , provided economic assistance to more than 120 developing countries , and cancelled the debts owed by 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries .

  18. 关于水和卫生,预期该执行计划草案将大力重申《联合国千年宣言》(大会第55/2号决议)承诺的有关目标。

    With regard to water and sanitation , it is expected that the draft plan of implementation will strongly reassert the relevant goals pledged in the United Nations Millennium Declaration ( General Assembly resolution 55 / 2 ) .

  19. 该草案主要内容包括:回顾各国元首和政府首脑在千年首脑会议上通过的《联合国千年宣言》及其发展目标、尤其是与卫生有关的发展目标;

    The main elements of this draft resolution include recalling the UN Millennium Declaration adopted by heads of state and government at the UN Millennium Summit and the development goals it contains .