
  1. 有人匿名举报后,那个人被抓了起来。

    The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off .

  2. 一条匿名举报带着我们找到了托尼·伍德沃德的藏身之处。

    An anonymous tip led us to Tony Woodward 's hideout .

  3. 在接到匿名举报后,警方逮捕了他。

    The police arrested him after an anonymous tip off .

  4. 她获得冠军,一举成名。非贪污性质的匿名举报

    She made her mark by winning a championship . anonymous non-corruption report

  5. 我跟他们说我接到了匿名举报

    I told ' em I got an anonymous tip

  6. 而泰国的人们现在有了一种更加便捷的方式可以匿名举报行贿受贿情况。

    Now people in Thailand have a more convenient way to informally report corruption .

  7. 这份匿名举报递交到位该医院授权的联合委员会。

    The anonymous complaints were filed with a Joint Commission that accredits the hospital .

  8. 也许我们可以匿名举报。

    Maybe we could be anonymous whistleblowers .

  9. 它侧写了那名危险分子,然后匿名举报了他,让他被开除并逮捕,知道他一定会报复。

    It profiles unstable people like that guy . It anonymously sent evidence to get him fired and arrested , knowing he 'd snap .

  10. 我刚好接到了匿名举报说发现心脏的那天看到你在收费桥附近挖过东西

    Then I got an anonymous call from someone who said they saw you digging near the toll bridge the day the heart was found .

  11. 纽约州也将建立举报系统,民众可以匿名举报不遵守控制措施的餐厅。

    New York state will also establish a whistleblowing system so that restaurants not complying with containment measures can be anonymously reported to the authorities .

  12. 任何人怀疑有企业雇佣非法劳工,可联系犯罪阻止热线0044(0)800555111,接受匿名举报。

    Anyone who suspects that illegal workers are being employed at a business can contact Crimestoppers on0044 ( 0 ) 800555111 , where anonymity can be guaranteed .

  13. 现在,另一个著名酒业—茅台酒—由贵州茅台生产—被匿名举报也含有塑化剂。

    Now , another famous drink - Moutai Jiu - made by Kweichow Moutai - has been accused by an anonymous report of also containing the chemical .

  14. 现在,另一个著名酒业茅台酒由贵州茅台生产被匿名举报也含有塑化剂。

    Now , another famous drink – Moutai Jiu – made by Kweichow Moutai – has been accused by an anonymous report of also containing the chemical .

  15. 这个应用程序或许非常有用,因为我们能够匿名举报,而且我们不知道该向谁报告此类事件”,一位上班族说道。

    This application may be very useful because we can be anonymous and we do not know to whom we should report such incidents , " said one office worker .

  16. 据韦伯称,他曾收到匿名举报,指称有人向“数百名保险经纪人”赠送电讯盈科股票,以换取对私有化收购的支持。

    According to Mr Webb , he received an anonymous tip-off that " hundreds of insurance sales agents " had been offered PCCW shares in return for voting for the privatisation offer .

  17. 为鼓励员工积极举报,并消除受到打击报复的顾虑,公司另行建立了举报制度和程序,允许员工匿名举报。

    To foster and maintain an environment where employees can report the fraud without fear of retaliation , the company has established a whistleblower policy and procedures , which provides employees several options to report the fraud anonymously .

  18. 报道称,美国司法部在2012年初告知新闻集团,一位告密者匿名举报《华尔街日报》的一至多位员工向中国政府官员赠送了礼物。

    Its report says the justice department informed News Corp in early 2012 that it had received information from an unidentified person it described as a whistleblower , who accused one or more employees of the Wall Street Journal of providing gifts to Chinese government officials .

  19. 一种支持悬赏的匿名电子举报方案的安全性分析及设计

    Cryptanalysis and Design of an Anonymous E-Prosecution Scheme with Reward Support

  20. 在诸多的网络应用中,如匿名投票选举、举报、电子商务、电子政务等,用户个人身份及其相关信息的隐藏至关重要。

    In many network applications such as anonymous electronic voting , offence report , E-commerce , E-administration , the concealment of the users ' identities and corresponding information is very important .