
  1. 论区域社会资本对区域经济发展的影响

    Discussion on the Effect of Social Capital in Regional Economic Development

  2. 本文主要是从区域社会资本的角度,从社会文化网络和非正式制度两个方面分析了区域社会资本对区域经济的影响。

    In this article , we will analyses the impaction of Regional Social Capital about regional economy from two aspects : social culture and institution .

  3. 摘要丰富的家族性和区域性社会资本促进了国内中小家族企业迅速发展,但也妨碍了企业融合外部优秀人才。

    The abundant social capital of the families and local areas promoted the domestic family business developing quickly , but it also hindered the business enterprise to blend the talented persons .

  4. 所以,转轨经济中地方政府需要通过提升区域人力资本和社会资本的水平来促进社会经济的发展。

    Therefore , local government in transition should facilitate economy development by enhancing regional personal capital and social capital .

  5. 通过网络型相互作用的发生机制主要涉及集群区域品牌效应、社会资本累积效应等集群外部性;

    The generative mechanism for network-type interaction mainly involves the externalities of clusters such as the regional brand effects , social capital cumulative effect , etc.