
  • 网络NORAD;North American Aerospace Defense Command;North American Air Defense Command
  1. 他命令北美防空司令部,不要泄露外来飞行器的消息。

    He orders NORAD not to divulge information about foreign space vehicles .

  2. 十多架飞机进入了禁飞区。这使得北美防空司令部匆忙动用其战斗机。

    A dozen planes flew into the area , causing the North American Aerospace Defense Command to scramble its fighters .

  3. 北美防空司令部称派出两架F16战机尾随这架单引擎飞机飞往目的地。

    NORAD says it 's sent two F16s to tail the single engine plane when it flew past its destination .

  4. 北美防空司令部:俄罗斯准备在未来的几天内于北极圈试射若干洲际弹道导弹。

    Russia prepares to test launch several intercontinental ballistic missiles over the Arctic the next couple of days .

  5. 好的,记住这是北美防空联合司令部的演习。

    Okay , and remember this is a NORAD exercise .

  6. 此网站每5分钟更新一次,这个所谓的“北美防空联合司令部追踪圣诞老人”项目有德语,西班牙语,法语,意大利语,日语和英语的链接。

    Updates to the site are made every five minutes and the so-called " NORAD Tracks Santa " program has German , Spanish , French , Italian , Japanese and English links .