
  • 网络Beiyang Fleet
  1. 论北洋海军将士的民族精神

    On the National Spirit of the Officers and Soldiers of the Northern Navy

  2. 然而甲午中日战争使实力最强的北洋海军全军覆没。

    However , in the Sino-Japanese war the strongest of the Northern Navy annihilated .

  3. 威海的重要古迹是刘公岛上的北洋海军提督署。

    Praefect Department of Beiyang Navy on Liugong Island is important ancient relics of Weihai .

  4. 战后清廷授升其为将军兼北洋海军总部顾问。

    Postwar , Hannekon was promoted to General and made consultant to the Beiyang Navy .

  5. 实力雄厚的侵略者遇到了北洋海军将士的顽强抵抗。

    The powerful invaders met the resistance of the patriotic generals and solders in the Northern Navy of the Qing Dynasty .