
  • 网络the beiyang government;northern government
  1. 但由于北洋政府经济立法的历史局限性,它的经济立法活动受到了各种政治力量的张力制约,从而使其经济立法的历史推动作用大打了折扣。

    But owing to the Beiyang government 's historical limitations , its legislative activities had been restricted by the various political force tensions and its historical roles had been reduced .

  2. 本文系研究北洋政府内国公债发行问题的学术专题。

    This thesis studies the domestic bonds issued by Beiyang government .

  3. 北洋政府时期的关税自主运动

    The Tariff Autonomy Movement during the Age of the Northern Government

  4. 试论北洋政府全国防灾委员会的防灾思想及对策

    Thoughts and Countermeasures on Disaster Prevention of National Disaster Prevention Committee

  5. 简析北洋政府时期的公文管理制度

    Management System of Official Documents in Period of The Northern Government

  6. 北洋政府时期的农政机构与农业政策(1912&1928年)

    Agricultural administrations and policies under the Northern Warlord Government ( 1912-1928 );

  7. 走出传统:北洋政府时期的县公署制度

    The County Administration System in the Northern Warlords Government Period

  8. 本章探讨1918至1921年间北洋政府的内国公债发行情况。

    Discuss the domestic bonds issued from 1918 to 1921 .

  9. 北洋政府的侨资政策及其评价

    The Peking Government 's Policy towards Overseas Chinese Capital and its Evaluation

  10. 北洋政府时期无锡地方治理剖析

    Exploration on Wuxi Local Management in the Northern Warlords Period

  11. 北洋政府时期的民族保险业

    National Insurance Industry in the Period of Bei Yang Government

  12. 第四章分析北洋政府时期的权力监督制度。

    Chapter Four analyzes power-supervise system of Beiyang Government .

  13. 论北洋政府时期政府对南京公立学校拨款状况

    Northern Warlords Government 's Appropriation to Nanjing Public Schools

  14. 北洋政府时期公司注册制度研究

    A Research on Corporation Registration System during the Period of Northern Warlords Government

  15. 略议北洋政府时期的关款存放问题

    The Issue of the Lodging of Customs Revenue During the Northern Warlords Period

  16. 北洋政府时期,传统法制开始近代转型。

    The period of BeiYang government , the traditional legal system starts modern reforming .

  17. 北洋政府的新闻法规

    Press law under the Northern Government

  18. 第五章着重论述了北洋政府时期的国民外交运动历史意义。

    Chapter Five mainly explains the historic significance of the Civil Diplomacy Movement during Beiyang Government .

  19. 晚清与北洋政府时期内国公债研究综述

    Summary of the Research of Domestic Loans in Late Qing Dynasty and the Period of the Northern Warlords

  20. 其次,外部危机,尤其是领事裁判权的存在在一定程度上促使了北洋政府律师制度的最终建立。

    In part two , the author relates the specific content of the lawyer institution of Beiyang government .

  21. 在银行界的提议与积极参与下,北洋政府于1921年进行公债整理。

    With bankers actively proposing and participating , the Northern Warlords Government started to rearrange national debts in1921 .

  22. 在公司注册的执行方面,北洋政府也作出了较大的努力,并取得了较好的效果。

    As to the execution of corporation registration , Northern Warlords Government made great effort and achieved many good results .

  23. 北洋政府时期,其储蓄资金多由四行代为放出。

    In the Beijing government time , its deposit fund majority are many by Four Banks of the north replaces emits .

  24. 第二章讨论了北洋政府统治前国民外交运动的发展状况及其对北洋政府时期的国民外交运动的影响;

    Chapter Two discusses the development of the Civil Diplomacy Movement before Beiyang Government and its influence on the latter later on .

  25. 北洋政府先后发行27种内债,其中12种以庚子赔款退赔款为担保。

    Northern Warlords issued twenty-seven kinds of domestic loans , of which twelve claimed back to the Boxer indemnity funds to guarantee .

  26. 所以,北洋政府时期的新闻伦理思想在我国新闻伦理思想史上具有举足轻重的地位。

    Therefore , the news ethics in the period of Northern Warlords Government plays a decisive role in the history of news ethics .

  27. 北洋政府时期《暂行新刑律》及其修正案评析

    A Critical Analysis of " The New Provisional Criminal Law " with Its Amendments in the Period of the Northern Warlords Dominated Government

  28. 第三章是对北洋政府时期的婚姻司法所作的实证分析。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the administration of justice in marriage law through the methods of positivism during the period of the Northern Warlords .

  29. 妥协外交是北洋政府前期外交的主要方面,承认外蒙自治,即是北洋政府前期两次最大的妥协外交之一。

    It was one of the two greatest characteristics of the early diplomacy of Northern Warlords Government to admit the autonomy of Outer Mongolia .

  30. 韩国商法上对股份公司虚假出资的规制清末《公司律》和北洋政府时期《公司条例》比较研究

    Study on Feigned Contribution in Korean Company Law Comparison Between The Company Law of Later Qing Dynasty and The Company Rule of the Northern Warlords Government