
  • 网络Northern Province;NORD;Uttar Pradesh
  1. 手机为印北方省各村庄展现了整个世界。

    Mobiles bring the whole world to villages in Uttar Pradesh .

  2. 北方省的尼尔斯弗莱自然保护区是片原始湿地,它在多雨的夏季吸引着南半球数目最为众多的鸟类。

    Nylsvley Nature Reserve in Northern Province is a pristine wetland that attracts the highest number of birds in the southern hemisphere during the rainy summer months .

  3. 北方六省(区)MMPI中文版的结构效度研究

    A study of construct validity of the Chinese version of the MMPI in the six provinces ( regions ) of the north of China

  4. 联通集团信息化部在分析北方十省系统现状的基础上,提出在吉林、内蒙、山西、天津四省进行全业务支撑系统(BSS系统)的试点建设。

    The information technology department of Unicom group puts forward the pilot construction of all business support system ( BSS ) in the four provinces of Jilin , Inner Mongolia , Shanxi , Tianjin based on the analysis of the present system situation of the ten northern provinces .

  5. 北方五省农业结构调整与水资源可持续利用研究

    On Agricultural Structure Regulation and Sustainable Water Resource Use in North China

  6. 关于北方诸省旅游业联合的思考

    Thoughts on the Unification of the Tourism Industry in the Northern Provinces

  7. 李玉刚出生在中国北方吉林省的一个农村里。

    Li Yugang was born in a village in Jilin province in North China .

  8. 何教授说北京以及其他北方六省正在经历类似这样的变化。

    Dongxian has said that process is now underway in Beijing and six northern provinces .

  9. 清代北方五省酿酒业的发展

    The Development of Wine & making Industry in the Five Provinces of North China in Qing Dynasty

  10. 土地沙漠化评价预警模型的建立及北方12省(市、区)分县预警

    Establishment of mathematical warning model on sandy desertification and the warning result of 12 provinces in the north of China

  11. 我国北方五省冬小麦生长期的自然水分条件及其对产量的影响

    The natural water conditions of five provinces in North China during the growing period of winter wheat and their influences on Yield

  12. 周四中午左右,中国北方山西省一铁矿发生透水事故,13人被困井下。

    Thirteen people were trapped inside an iron ore mine in north China 's Shanxi Province after it flooded around noon on Thursday .

  13. 当地官方消息,中国北方黑龙江省一家烟花厂发生了爆炸,至少十人受伤。

    An explosion at a fireworks factory injured at least ten people in northeast China 's Heilongjiang Province Monday , local authorities said .

  14. 卵形异绒螨是近年来我国北方部分省(自治区)控制棉花苗蚜的一种较为有效的自然寄生天敌。

    Allothrombium ovatum is a kind of parasitical natural enemy that control cotton seedling aphids in some provinces of northern China in recent years .

  15. 上周,一场罕见大风导致中国北方山西省的长城一座拱门倒塌成为废墟,该拱门已有500年历史。

    A 500-year-old arch door on the Great Wall has been reduced to ruins in north China 's Shanxi Province after a strong gale hit last week .

  16. 大群的蒙古人采取杀、抢、烧的政策,以破竹之势向前推进,经过北方数省后抵达金首都燕京现北京。

    Killing , plundering and burning , the Mongol hordes swept all before them , driving across the northern provinces to Yenching now peking , the kin capital .

  17. 中国北方山西省的一所学校,在8年前有400多名学生,如今却只有15名学生和20名老师。

    A school in North China 's Shanxi province that had more than 400 students about eight years ago now has only 15 , while there are 20 teachers .

  18. 这只现有两个月大的猪仔出生在中国北方吉林省德盛堂村的一个农场里。它的主人说,这只猪仔可以用它的任意一张嘴进食,(它除了有两张嘴外),其他方面看起来都正常。

    The two-month-old litter born on a farm in Deshengtang , Jilin province , northern China - can use both his mouths to eat and appears otherwise normal , say his owners .

  19. 希望通过对济宁联通竞争战略的研究,提出能够对联通北方十省的其他地市级分公司或同行业也具有参考和借鉴意义的战略和方法。

    Through the research of the competitive strategy of Jining Unicom , author hopes other municipal office in north ten provinces of China Unicom or the industry can also found some methods in it .

  20. 在不同系统状态下,模拟了中国北方13省未来50年不同社会经济情景下的区域土地利用结构变化,并初步评价了这些变化的可能生态影响。

    A System Dynamic ( SD ) model aims at modeling land use scenarios change and assessing its ecological impact in the northern China in the next 50 years is developed in this paper .

  21. 在北方10省(市、区)共采集到10000多只蜱,分属为2科7属11种,以全沟硬蜱为优势种,占80%~95%。

    More than 10,000 ticks belonging to 2 families , 7 genera and 11 species were collected in 10 provinces of north China , with the Ixodes persulcatus as the dominant species , accounted about 80 % - 95 % .

  22. 模拟研究了2050年我国北方13省六种不同土地利用情景对区域夏季气候的可能影响。

    In the second part , a set of numerical experiments are implemented to study the potential impacts of land use scenarios changes on the regional summer climate in 13 provinces of Northern China in the 2050 year by using RIEMS .

  23. 对我国北方5省的9个国家粮食储备库的仓库建设与使用情况作了调查。重点调查了浅圆仓和高大房式仓的建设和使用情况。

    You Wei ( Zhengzhou Grain Science Research and Design Institute , State Administration of Grain Reserves , Zhengzhou 450053 , P.R.China ) The construction and use of 9 state grain storages in 5 provinces in the north of China was surveyed .

  24. 为打破这种局面,公司决定在北方十省建设市话无线接入系统(俗称小灵通),以其城域内有限的移动性,角逐移动市场,为企业发展增加了一个新亮点。

    In order to break this situation , the corporation decided to build a personal access system ( or Xiao LingTong ) that brings a new space for the enterprise development by its limited motion in a city to compete in the mobile market .

  25. 本文通过1920年我国北方五省大旱对社会影响的分析,提出了自然灾害对社会影响顺序的基本模式,讨论了社会对灾害的放大与缩小等问题。

    The paper proposed a basic model of influence oder of natural disaster and discussed the , enlarging or decreasing function of disaster to the society through the analysis of impacts of heavy drought on the society in the five provinces of north China in 1920 .

  26. 中国最大的冰洞位于北方的山西省。

    China 's biggest ice cave is located in the northern province of Shanxi .

  27. 谦比希位于北方的铜带省,这里刚刚建了一个投资园区,已有另外多家中资企业入驻。

    home of a new investment zone that hosts several other Chinese companies in Zambia 's northern Copperbelt province . '

  28. 王晋1962年出生于中国北方的山西省,目前居住在北京。

    Wang was born in 1962 in the northern province of Shanxi , but has made his home in Beijing .

  29. 1556年,位于北方的陕西省曾遭遇有记录以来最严重的地震,约83万人丧生。

    In 1556 , northern Shaanxi province suffered the most deadly recorded earthquake , a disaster that claimed an estimated 830,000 lives .

  30. 在中国北方的河北省蔚县,一位高中老师于上周一被发现全身赤裸地躺在街上,伤情严重。

    A high school teacher in Weixian county , North China 's Hebei Province , was found naked and severely injured on the street last Monday .