
  1. 1927年回国后,先后在上海南国艺术学院、北京大学艺术学院任教。

    After returning to China in1927 , he taught at Shanghai Nanguo art academy and the art school of Beijing university .

  2. 北京理工大学设计艺术学院师生作品选

    Teachers Students ' Selected Works of Design Art School of Beijing Institute of Technology

  3. 大学生电影节的发起人北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院院长黄慧琳在开幕式上向大家介绍了本次电影节的主题内容。

    Huang Huilin , the founder of the film festival and the dean of the Art and Communication College of Beijing Normal University , introduced the theme of this year 's event .