
Qí Báishí
  • Qi Baishi (1864-1957) the most prominent artist, calligrapher, and seal engraver in modern China
  1. 齐白石是一位有名望的国画大师。

    Qi Bashi was a respectable master in traditional Chinese painting .

  2. 这是齐白石的《鸡石图》。

    And this is Qi baishi 's @ chickens and stone @ .

  3. 考齐蛙的名字也就由此而来。白菜是齐白石的一个著名作品。

    Cabbage is a well-known example of Qi 's work .

  4. 齐白石早期竹木雕刻的美学思想

    Aesthetic Thinking of QI Bai-shi 's Early Bamboo Sculpture

  5. 齐白石从民间画工转变为文人画家,经过了“变法”。

    Qi Baishi had gone through dramatic changes to become a learned painter .

  6. 我在展品中发现了一幅齐白石的画。

    I found a Qi Baishi among the exhibits .

  7. 这是齐白石的真迹。

    It is an authentic work of Qi baishi .

  8. 灵昌硕与齐白石都是中国近代绘画大师、艺术巨匠。

    Wu Chang-shuo and Qi Bai-shi are the masters of modern Chinese painter .

  9. 这是齐白石的作品吗?

    Is it the work of Qi Baishi ?

  10. 浅谈齐白石的艺术风格

    On Qi Bai-shi 's Art Style

  11. 齐白石,湖南湘潭人,二十世纪十大画家之一,世界文化名人。

    Qi , Xiangtan people , ten artists of the twentieth century , the world cultural celebrities .

  12. 他对后来齐白石、潘天寿等人都产生过较大的影响。

    And he exerted great influence on later well-known Chinese painters like Qi Baishi and pan tian-shou .

  13. 齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想像力解读其内涵的余地。

    Qi Baishi 's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination .

  14. 他早年来华拜师齐白石学习中国传统文人画和书法。

    He went to China early time to study Chinese traditional literati painting and calligraphy from Qi Bai-shi .

  15. 齐白石作为画家的职业生涯在他不断寻求新的表达方式中茁壮成长。

    Qi 's career as an artist was strongly shaped by his constant search for new forms of expression .

  16. 郭先生这样说,但是很少有中国以外的友人听过齐白石。

    Mr Guo might say so , but few people outside his native country will have heard of Qi .

  17. 中国与北欧丹麦的艺术交流源自上个世纪,著名画家齐白石、贺天健早在上世纪五十年代就加入丹麦康纳美术家协会。

    The exchange of arts between China and Denmark in the northern Europe originated from last century , as in1950s renowned Chinese painters Mr.

  18. 这些游历使齐白石可以和当时文学艺术界很多重要的人物有接触。

    Those trips made it possible for Qi to come in contact with many important figures in the literature and art of the time .

  19. 纵观齐白石一生的艺术创作,很显然,齐白石的山水画在他的艺术创作生涯中是占据着极其重要的分量,是理解齐白石艺术历程,创作与思想不可缺少的重要部分。

    When observing his artistic works , it is obviously found that his landscape painting is a very important part in his artistic life .

  20. 齐白石27岁时,拜乡绅胡沁园为师学习绘画,篆刻和诗文。

    At the age of27 , he adopted Hu Qinyuan as his teacher , who taught him painting , seal cutting , poetry and literature .

  21. 准确的说,在齐白石花鸟画的盛名之下,他的山水画艺术特色在一定程度上被忽视了。

    Exactly speaking , because of his great reputation on flower-and-bird painting , his artistic feature of landscape painting , to some extent , is ignored .

  22. 他深谙齐白石的艺术形式和内涵,并领会齐白石学我者生,似我者死的艺术理论。

    He understands the art form and content of Qi and Qi understand " learning me and live , like me and die " theory of art .

  23. 在过去几年里,齐白石的作品卖出的价格几乎有那些名人级的艺术家那么高,例如毕加索和安迪·沃霍尔。

    In the last few years Qi 's paintings have sold for nearly as much as more established household names , such as Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol .

  24. 一年之后,他开始在周末来到图书馆,将齐白石、张大千等著名画家的作品带回家,然后自己临摹。

    A year later he began visiting the library on weekends , taking home works by famous painters such as Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian , then copying them himself .

  25. 现代的中国名人有著名作家鲁迅,当代媒体大亨邵逸夫,艺术家齐白石,功夫明星李小龙和110米栏选手刘翔。

    Modern Chinese figures include renowned writer Lu Xun , contemporary media mogul Run Run Shaw , artist Qi Baishi , Kung Fu star Bruce Lee , and hurdler Liu Xiang .

  26. 吴昌硕对近现代韩国美术起到了巨大引领作用。与此同时,吴昌硕与齐白石对其他韩国主要画家的艺术影响力也是巨大的。

    Wu Chang-shuo played a great leading role in Korean Modern Art . Meanwhile , Wu Chang-shuo and Qi Bai-shi also had great artistic influence on many other major Korean painters .

  27. 在这条道路上诞生了一批大家,山水画方面有较大成就的是齐白石、黄宾虹、傅抱石等等,他们将传统山水画的潜力发挥到了极至。

    In this road landscape created a group of everybody , have bigger achievement is Furbish quiz banish , hangs bin-hang , waited a moment , they will play to the potential of traditional landscape management .

  28. 本文通过研究齐白石写意花鸟画中对篆刻审美元素的汲取,阐释了写意花鸟画对篆刻艺术的借鉴与相互渗透,并结合具体作品进行论述。

    By studying the aesthetic elements in the drawing on the seal , the paper explains the art of freehand flower & bird on the seal reference and mutual penetration , discusses this viewpoint through the concrete works .

  29. 现为中国书法家协会刻字研究会副主任兼秘书长,中国书法家协会书法培训中心教授,齐白石艺术研究会常务理事。

    Presently , he is vice-director and secretary-general of the lettering seminar of Chines calligrapher 's Association and professor of the calligraphy Trainting center of Chinese calligrapher 's association , concurrently standing director of Qi Baishi art seminar .

  30. 他在一首题画诗中道有才无功笔墨松,有功无才辙雷同,难得功才兼备者,近代喜见白石翁,他的作品深受齐白石的影响。

    A painting in his poem Road , " talented song reactive ink , Active and was almost exactly identical , both those who did work hard , modern pleased to see Whitehead Weng ", his works are influenced by the impact of Qi .