
qí tónɡ
  • Qi Tong;concerted;consistent
齐同 [qí tóng]
  • [concerted;consistent] 一致

  • 上下齐同。--《资治通鉴》

  1. 胫骨SOS和桡骨BMD诊断骨质疏松齐同率为36.8%。

    The concordance of SOS of tibia and BMD of radius in diagnosis of osteoporosis was 36.8 % .

  2. 两组治疗前子宫切口假腔的大小、行经天数、临床症状评分比较,两组差异无统计学意义(P0.05),具有齐同可比性。

    Between the two groups , it is comparable that the size of lacuna , the number of menstruating days and the clinical scores before treatment were of no statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 而这种认识到万物齐同后的做出的无所谓选择、无主观选择性的行为就称之为无为。

    This no choice , no subjective selective behavior after that awareness are known as the " wuwei " .

  4. 三晋法家和齐法家同为法家,但政治理念却不相同。

    The Qi legalists and San Jin legalists are quite different from each other in their political ideology .

  5. 为了高质量准确地对物体多视角三维图象进行快速对齐复位,提出了一种将多个视角三维自然曲面数据精确对齐复位于同一坐标系中的新型迭代方法。

    A novel iterative approach is proposed for precise aligning multiple3D images captured from difference views of a natural object surface in one reference coordinate system .