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  1. 他们的个性迥然相异。

    They have clashing personalities .

  2. Steve:我们充分地认识到客户的技术环境是复杂而又迥然相异的。

    Steve : We understand the complex and diverse technology environment of our customers .

  3. 本文认为,科技与社会既与科学社会学迥然相异,也与STS界限分明。

    The author argues that Science , Technology and Society is totally different from Scientific Sociology and the so called " STS " .

  4. 耐药细胞与药敏细胞有着迥然相异的生物学行为,表现在它的细胞内药物的减少,细胞解毒功能的增强和DNA分裂、断裂的减少,等等。

    There are quite different biochemical behaviors between multidrug resistance cell and sensitive cell which are the reduction of accumulation of drug in MDR cell , the enhancement of the ability of release the toxin and the reduction of the split of DNA , and so on .

  5. 然而,尼古拉斯爵士提出了迥然相异的数据。

    Sir Nicholas , however , comes up with quite different figures .

  6. 在这种情况下,我觉得对这两种叙事形态迥然相异的历史小说进行一次综合的比较研究是很有必要的。

    In this case , I think it is very necessary to have a comprehensive relative study on them .

  7. 中国古典诗歌与英语诗歌受语言文化等诸多因素的影响,迥然相异。

    Classical Chinese poetry varies a lot from English poetry owing to many factors like language , culture and so on .

  8. 丰富复杂的人生体验使她们对女性解放的理解迥然相异,因而表现出不同的解放模式。

    Their complex and rich experience made them understanding the concept of female emancipation differently , and therefore different emancipation models were put forth .

  9. 无论是作品内容还是艺术风格,现代咏秋之作都显示出了与母题迥然相异的特色。

    In terms of the coment and the style , modem writings about autumn have possessed the feature quite different from the haditional one .

  10. 第六章,民国孔教运动中的董子学,考量了在孔教派与反孔教者对冲中董子学迥然相异的命运。

    Chapter VI , Dong study in movement of Confucian , Dong has utterly different destiny between people who stick to Confucian and anti Confucian .

  11. 在幻想小说创作中,如何连接幻想与现实两个迥然相异的世界是作家最棘手的问题之一。

    How to connect two totally different worlds : reality and fantasy is one of the toughest issues in the creation of the fantasy novel .

  12. 各国对证券投资基金的名称及定义迥然相异,笔者通过对这一现象背后的法律文化进行了深层的分析。

    The name and definition of the securities investment fund vary in different legislations . The author gives an in-depth analysis on the legal cultures about the variation .

  13. 由于环境犯罪侵犯客体的特殊性,决定其具有与传统刑法迥然相异的特质,其最突出的表现在于环境刑法的行政从属性。

    Because the specialty for the objection of the environment crime injures , it decides its difference with traditional criminal law , especially it is displayed at its administrative subordinated status .

  14. 我们首先对比了矢量模型下的精确解和绝热近似解,发现矢量模型下基态原子的隧穿时间与绝热近似下的结果有很多迥然相异的行为。

    First of all , we compare the exact solution with the adiabatic approximation solution in the vector model , and find the tunneling time in these two cases is utterly different .

  15. 在古典文学评论中,一般认为苏轼创立了与婉约派迥然相异的豪放派词风。

    It 's generally considered in classical literary reviews that Su Shi established the powerful and free school of Ci writing , which was widely different from the subtle and concise school .

  16. 这种外在形式上的相互比附,是西方对禅进行研究的惯性作法,但事实上,在某些关键点,禅与这些哲学概念却迥然相异。

    Such analogy from appearance is a habitual way for West to study Zen , but in fact , there exist some key points which are completely different in Zen and philosophy .

  17. 虽然这两家公司在很多方面有相似之处,比如说经纪人补偿金和法律要求的交易报告方面,但是他们的细分市场和很多客户群还是迥然相异的。

    Though they share many of the same characteristics such as broker compensation and transaction reporting as required by law , they target very different aspects of the market and have greatly different clientele .

  18. 从中西体育文化的源流传统入手对中西体育文化的精神内涵进行了比较,提出在各自不同文化源流的影响中,两种体育文化逐渐形成了迥然相异的精神内涵。

    The paper compared the national tradition sport culture with the western spirit from the tradition of their culture headstream and put forward : on the one hand , they have different spirit connotation ;

  19. 自五四白话文运动肇始,新的语言媒介白话文体造就了与古典文学时代迥然相异的写作者与接受者,白话文写作者与接受者的审美心理、思维方式都发生了显著的变化。

    Since the beginning of the Vermicular Movement during the May 4th Movement , vernacular Chinese , a new language media , has given rise to writers and accepters sharply contrasted with their counterparts in the days of classical literature .

  20. 可以说,迥然相异的民族文化形态是导致十九世纪后半期至二十世纪初期的西风东渐在中日两国产生不同效果的最核心因素。

    We can say that the different national culture form was the most core factor that led to the different effect in the " western culture inputting to the east world " from the late 19th century to early 20th century .
