
  • 网络Beijing Museum;Museums in Beijing
  1. 纽约大都会艺术博物馆(MetropolitanMuseumofArt)、北京国家博物馆(NationalMuseum)、洛杉矶县立艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt)的参观者人数纷纷刷新纪录。

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York , the National Museum in Beijing , Los Angeles County Museum of Art , are all experiencing record attendance .

  2. 北京城区博物馆时空间分布特征分析

    The analysis of spatial distribution features of museums in Beijing City

  3. 北京汽车博物馆抗震性能弹塑性分析

    Elastic-plastic analysis of Beijing Automobile Museum

  4. 上周四,北京故宫博物馆开设了一处最先进的保护中心来“医治”年久失修的古代文物。

    A state-of-the-art conservation center to " treat " ancient cultural relics in disrepair opened at Beijing 's Palace Museum last Thursday .

  5. 特别建议应建设北京民俗博物馆以继承传统文化,并对这种博物馆的形式提出了建议。

    Specially , the folk custom exhibition of Beijing may be considered to carry forward the traditional culture and commented on it .

  6. 一幅17英尺长的古代卷轴,现存放在北京故宫博物馆,显示着古开封的繁荣和匆忙。

    An ancient 17-foot painted scroll , now in the Palace Museum in Beijing , shows the bustle and prosperity of ancient Kaifeng .

  7. 北京建筑博物馆引以自豪的是在沙盘上制作了北京古城的最大模型。

    The Beijing Museum of Architectures boasts the biggest model of the ancient city of Beijing that has ever been produced on a sand table .

  8. 2月23日下午,2011中欧青年交流年中方开幕式在北京首都博物馆举行。

    In the afternoon , 23 , Feb. , the opening ceremony of2011 EU-China Year of Youth was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing .

  9. 周二,来自国内外数以千记的游客冒着秋季的炎热,蜂拥来到北京首都博物馆参观正在展览的古典希腊艺术品。

    Thousands of visitors from home and abroad have challenged the autumn heat and swarmed into the Capital Museum on Tuesday , for the ongoing classical Greek art exhibition in Beijing .

  10. 农业科普创新实践:北京农业数字博物馆

    Innovative Practice in Agricultural Science Popularization in Beijing Agricultural Digital Museum

  11. 模式标本保存在北京自然历史博物馆。

    The type specimen is deposited in Beijing Museum of Natural History .

  12. 2001年他写信去文化部毛遂自荐,志愿替北京市的博物馆、艺术馆及文化商店的英语做规范化工作。

    He started this work in2001 when he wrote a letter to the Ministry of Culture , volunteering to help correct the English of any museum , cultural site or art gallery in Beijing .

  13. 位于先农坛原址的北京古建筑博物馆是中国第一家致力于中国古代建筑技术,艺术和发展史的整理,研究和展示的专业博物馆。

    Located on the old site of the Xiannong altar , the Beijing Museum of ancient architectures is china 's first specialized museum devoted to the collection , study and display of china 's ancient architectural technology , art and development history .

  14. 近日,北京师范大学文物博物馆开馆。

    Recently the Beijing Normal University Museum of Antiquities opened its doors .

  15. 北京大学地质数字博物馆系统

    Geological Digital Museum System of Peking University

  16. 现在,在北京的中国历史博物馆和故宫博物院里还分别保存着元代和清代的四级漏壶,供人们参观。

    Now , the four-level clepsydras of the Yuan and Qing dynasties are preserved respectively in the Muse-um of Chinese History and the Palace Museum in Beijing .