
  1. 人格障碍评估研究:PDQ~(+4)在北京医学生中的试用

    Assessment of Personality Disorders by PDQ ~ ( + 4 ) among Beijing Medical Students

  2. 我在北京医学院护理系由理论到实践学了4年的护理。

    I learned nursing through theory and practice for four years at the Department of Nursing in Beijing Medical College .

  3. 中学毕业后我进北京医学院继续学习。现在正准备回到学校继续学习。

    From the middle school I went on to the Beijing Medical College . Now he was preparing to return to university .

  4. 北京医学院泌尿外科研究所统计,泌尿系结石患者占同期住院患者的总人数的22.30%,广东地区超过了30%。由此可见,泌尿系结石发病率相当高。

    The urinary surgery institute of Beijing medical college discover that the patients of urolithiasis is 22 . 30 % with the rate during the same month last year , Guangdong to exceed 30 % .

  5. 实验动物为80只出生1~3d的Wistar乳鼠(北京大学医学部动物中心提供),雌雄不限。

    A total of 80 Wistar rats of either gender , aged 1-3 days , were provided by the Animal Center of Medical College , Peking University .

  6. 目的:了解近20年国内主要医学期刊发表的临床病理讨论(CPC)文章数量变化情况及同期北京大学医学部2所大医院死亡病例尸体解剖检查(尸检)的情况。

    Objective : To understand the changes in the number of the papers on clinical pathological conference ( CPC ) published on mainland major medical periodicals and the rates of autopsy in the two teaching hospitals with Beijing University during the past 20-year period .

  7. 介绍在实施基于问题学习(PBL)的试点教学改革中北京大学医学图书馆采用的一种新的信息素质教育方法,即将图书馆的信息素质教育内容整合到PBL教学课程中的方法;

    The Health Science Library of Peking University adopts a new method for library information literacy education in the problem - based learning ( PBL ) activities , which integrates the content of information literacy education to the course of the PBL teaching .

  8. 北京协和医学院遗传学家张学希望能够发现CGHT的遗传基础,他开始在全国搜寻CGHT病例。

    Hoping to discover the genetic basis of CGHT , geneticist Xue Zhang of the Peking Union Medical College in Beijing scoured his country for cases of the disease .

  9. 北京大学医学部离退休人员超重肥胖及相关疾病分析

    Overweight and Fatty and Their Correlated Diseases of Retirees in a University

  10. 坚持物理基础增加现代内容结合医学应用&北京大学医学部物理实验的教学改革实践

    On Modern Reform of Experiment Teaching in Peking University Health Science Center

  11. 北京大学医学部研究生学术规范教育的调查分析

    Academia criterion education of graduated students in Peking University Health Science Center

  12. 北京大学医学部社区生活方式抽样调查

    The community health diagnosis of life-way disease in Peking University Health Science Center

  13. 在北京协和医学院。

    At the Peking Union Medical College .

  14. 调查人群中有291(69%)人不了解也不知道北京热带医学研究所是专看热带病的医院。

    291 ( 69 % ) of interviewee did not know the Tropical Medicine Research Institute at all .

  15. 北京大学医学部在国外生物医学期刊发表论文情况分析

    Analyze of the Instance of the Documents of Peking University Health Science Center Published on the Biomedical Issues Out-of-countries

  16. 模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。

    All the specimens are kept in the medical entomology collection gallery , Academy of military medical sciences , beijing .

  17. 研究生心理危机三级预防干预机制构建探析&以北京大学医学部为例

    Tertiary prevention of psychological crisis intervention mechanism of graduate students & Taking , for example , Peking University Health Science Center

  18. 本文对北京大学医学部1997级、1999级、2000级三个年级的本科生进行了问卷调查。

    Objective The article adopts the investigation questionnaires to the undergraduates of the grade 1997,1999 and 2000 of Beijing University 's Medical Department .

  19. 1952年在全国高校院系调整中,北京大学医学院脱离北京大学,独立为北京医学院。

    In1952 , the adjustment of the National College , Peking University School of Medicine from Beijing University , Beijing Medical College as an independent .

  20. 医学遗传学在中国公共卫生事业中发挥重要作用&北京2004医学遗传学国际学术研讨会报告(英文)

    Medical genetics is playing an important role in the public health care in China Conference Report for The International Conference of Medical Genetics 2004 , Beijing ( ICMG 2004 , Beijing )

  21. 构建中医药学教育的平台&中药标本馆模式标本保存在北京军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。

    Construct the stage in Teaching of Chinese Traditional Medicine , Chinese Herb medicine museum All the specimens are kept in the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery , Academy of Military Medical Sciences , Beijing .

  22. 介绍了北京大学医学部地下管线普查方法和地下管线管理信息系统建立的过程。提出了普查与信息化动态管理相结合的管线管理思路。

    This paper introduces the situation of the survey and establishment of management information system of underground pipeline in medicine department of Beijing University , puts forward a new management idea which pipeline survey associates with dynamic management .

  23. 本文讨论了高等医学院校数学教学中存在的主要问题,探讨了医学院校数学教学的课程体系和教学改革,介绍了北京大学医学部的数学建模的课程体系和改革模式的具体措施。

    In this paper , we discuss the problems involved in the medical academy class system and the methods used in the education of mathematical modeling , and we also introduce the detail steps we used in the construction of " Mathematical Modeling " .

  24. 医学生眼中的师德&北京大学医学部师德调研报告中医学和中药学是中国的伟大宝库,在医药卫生事业中有着现代医药学不可替代的作用。

    College teachers integrity in medical students eyes & a survey of teachers integrity in Health Science Center ; Traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology represent a great treasure house of China and have effects that cannot be replaced by modern medicine in the pharmaceutical industry .

  25. 北京协和医学院疾病控制专家黄建始表示:小规模的试验和大规模的推广完全是两码事。在试验范围内甲流疫苗可以说基本可靠,但是很难说它是不是适合所有的人。

    " The pilot project and public distribution can be totally different . It was basically safe under test conditions , but it ` s hard to say if it ` s suitable for everyone ," said Huang Jianshi , a disease control expert at Peking Union Medical College Hospital .

  26. 北京大学远程医学教育信息系统(MEIS)是基层医院继的良师益友&黑龙江省鹤岗市人民医院开展卫星远程继续教育卓有成效

    Peking university medical education information system ( MEIS ) is a good mentor and friend to basic medical personnel for post-education & HeGang City People-s Hospital made post-education developed effectively with distance education by satellite in Heilongjiang province

  27. 北京国际运动医学学术会议综述

    A Round-up of the Beijing International Conference on Sports Medicine

  28. 方法收集北京大学口腔医学院1994至2004年间以口腔黏膜损害首诊的40例梅毒患者,对经实验室检查确诊的临床病理资料加以分析。

    Methods A total of 40 cases of secondary syphilis confirmed by serology were collected during 1994-2004 and were first diagnosed on presentation with oral lesions .

  29. 在教育部世界银行教育发展项目的支持下,北京大学基础医学院建立了生物医学实验教学中心(简称实验中心)。

    Teaching Laboratory Center of Biology and Medicine ( TLCBM ) has been designed and established in School of Basic Medical Science , Peking University under the support of Program of Education Development from the World Bank .

  30. 方法从北京大学口腔医学院正畸科1997&1999年就诊的患者中收集86名安氏Ⅲ类成人患者,其中53人接受了正畸和正颌联合治疗,33人接受了单纯正畸治疗。

    Methods A total of 86 class ⅲ adult patients were collected from the orthodontic department , Peking University School of Stomatology during 1997 ~ 1999.Fifty-three patients were treated with orthodontic appliance and orthognathic surgery , and others were treated with orthodontic appliance only .