
huà fán wéi jiǎn
  • 熟语simplify what is complicated
  1. 化繁为简听力策略对大学英语听力焦虑的缓解研究

    The Interrelation between the Listening Strategy of Simplification and Listening Anxiety

  2. 草原有着神奇的化繁为简的能力。

    Grassland has the magical power to make tings simple .

  3. 但在中国同事的帮助下,这些难题化繁为简。

    But the help of her Chinese colleagues , the situation gradually changed .

  4. 优秀的舞蹈家会化繁为简。

    And good dancers make it look easy .

  5. 想要令人敬畏,应该化繁为简,露出几处护身符般的细节即可。

    Communicating one 's impressiveness should be whittled down to a few talismanic details .

  6. 柯布?看来我要化繁为简了。

    Looks like I 'm gonna have to do this a little more simply .

  7. 不管酒单有多长,其实都可以化繁为简,而且过程并不难。

    And it 's not so hard , no matter how big the wine list .

  8. 天才不会把事情搞复杂。天才只会化繁为简。

    Genius is not about making complicated things . It 's about making complicated things very simply .

  9. 形式美的创造则应遵循变化统一与化繁为简的基本法则。

    The creation of formal beauty should follow the basic law of variety , unity and simplification .

  10. 外位语结构可以理清原句内在层次关系,化繁为简。

    Outside-part structure can simplify the complexity and distinguish the layers of inner relationship of the original material .

  11. 本着化繁为简,面向模块的原则进行论文和源代码的整体设计。

    In line with abbreviating , the module-oriented principle carries on the global design of the thesis and source code .

  12. 如果你想找一种化繁为简的方式,别考虑写作。

    If you 're looking for a way to make hard work easy , you won 't find it in writing .

  13. 他的智慧中最有价值的一部分来自亿万富翁、他的朋友沃伦·巴菲特:“化繁为简”。

    One of his best nuggets of wisdom comes from fellow billionaire and friend , Warren Buffett : Keep things simple .

  14. 它们的共同特点是,尽管业务有着固有的复杂性,却努力让事情化繁为简。

    One common trait is that , notwithstanding the inherent complexity of the business , they work hard to keep things simple .

  15. 在多元的信息时代里,如何将服装吊牌设计化繁为简并建立合理的匹配关系当中已显得非常重要了。

    In the informational days , How to make design of hangtag from complexity to simpleness and build reasonable matching relation is very important .

  16. 我一向对自己化繁为简的能力备感自豪,但衍生品却彻底难倒了我。

    As someone who has prided himself on being able to reduce complex problems to simple messages , I am totally stumped by derivatives .

  17. 至于对外汉语语法教学,需要从汉语语法研究中吸取营养,而且在引入语法本体研究成果时必须化繁为简、为我所用。

    On the other hand , teaching Chinese grammar for foreigners needs the support from theoretical studies on Chinese grammar which is beneficial to application .

  18. 不错人类的不平等有史以来一直存在但是那些能够化繁为简的新工具却是最近才出现的。

    Yes , inequity has been with us forever , but the new tools we have to cut through complexity have not been with us forever .

  19. 实际上,只要我们能够化繁为简,换个思路,用平面几何的简单公式亦能证明。

    Actually , as long as we can turn difficlty into easy , change a way of thinking , the simple formula also can prove it .

  20. 从国际经验看,国际上医保制度的建设,其目标是全民医保,过程是制度融合,路径是化繁为简。

    Based on international experience , building medical insurance system to provide universal health care , the key is system integration , and the path is simplification .

  21. 我们也许不能够复制梭罗在瓦尔登湖的宁静生活,但是我们永远可以通过化繁为简来改善自己的生活。

    We may not quite be able to re-create Thoreau 's calm life on Walden Pond , but it is always possible to drive improvement by simplifying .

  22. 正交试验设计能化繁为简,在体育教学中使用它,用尽可能少的试验,可得出最佳的训练方法。

    Complexity can be changed into simplicity by using perpendicularity design in sports teaching and we can obtain the best way for sports teaching by doing few experiments .

  23. 英汉语句法的差异要求英语长句汉译基本的原则是破句重组,化繁为简,常用的方法是顺拆译法、逆拆译法及综合译法。

    This thesis focuses on the origin of the difference between the two languages in sentence length and the approaches to translation of long English sentences into Chinese .

  24. 不过,多少年来,他乐于运用严格缜密但化繁为简的经济学数理方法,一次又一次地回归社会学问题研究。

    Yet he was to return to the questions of sociology again and again over the years , taking pleasure in wielding the rigorous yet reductive mathematical tools of economics .

  25. 在这一理论指导下应用外治,则可将外治法化繁为简,并易于临床发明操作。

    Appling external treatment under this ideology , can turn complex into simple on external treatment , and it could urge doctor to create new operation external treatment methods in clinic .

  26. 本文主要阐述电化教学在农机教育中的作用和地位及其发展。总结出电化教学可以将教学内容化繁为简,以及采用投影探性教学法,提高农机教育质量的明显效果。

    This paper has described the importance and development of audiovisual teaching programs in agricultural machinery education , and expounded the Possibility to simplify the teaching content by audio visual means .

  27. 在这一原则的指导下,本文探讨了一些商务信函汉译英的翻译策略:重组法,倒置法,省略法,视角转换法,化繁为简法和归化法。

    Under the direction of this principle , the thesis explores the C-E translation strategies of the business correspondence : recasting , reversing , omission , perspective change , simplification and adaptation .

  28. 之所以采取这样的思路,是因为利益平衡的目的是为法官裁判提供便利,利用这种方法具有化繁为简、思路清晰的功能。

    Since the purpose of interests balance is for the convenience of the judge , this method has the benefit of simplifying the process and offering a clear version for the judge .

  29. 化繁为简.美丽人生源于对生活弃繁从简.本分类详列所有用中文(括繁体及简体)写,或与中文有关的页面。

    S-Simplify . A great life is the result of simplifying your life . List of pages written in Chinese ( both traditional and simplified variants ) and pages particular relevant to Chinese projects .

  30. 这种模式将原有的救济途径化繁为简,以中立保障公正、以程序保障正义,最大限度维护受处分学生的合法权益。

    This mode will be the original of relief ways to simplify , to neutral to protect justice , justice , procedural safeguards , to maximize maintenance of the legitimate rights and interests of students by sanctions .