
  • 网络chemical explosion
  1. 裂解气洗涤塔筒体化学爆炸剖析

    Chemical Explosion Dissection of the Cylinder of a Pyrolysis Gas Washing Tower

  2. 化学爆炸荷载属于一种随时间变动的动态特性荷载,材料在动态荷载与准静态荷载作用下将表现出完全不相同的变形特征。

    Chemical explosion load is a dynamic load changed with time . The material will show completely different transformation feature under dynamic load and quasi-static load .

  3. 第一,围绕在钚核周围并装载于特殊形状里的化学爆炸物要被引爆。

    First , a specially shaped charge of chemical explosives surrounding a plutonium pit goes off .

  4. 科学家这样就能发现,如果化学爆炸物由钚元素制成,那向其充电是否引发爆炸。

    Scientists can thus find out whether the charge would have detonated , had it been made of plutonium .

  5. 高能量密度爆炸与化学爆炸的物理特征及爆炸次生洪水波效应探讨

    The Physical Characteristic of the High Energy Density and the Chemical Explosions and Discussion on the Effects of Flood Wave Due to Explosions

  6. 作者就尿塔内物料发生化学爆炸的多种可能性做了具体分析和计算,并与实际尿塔爆破事故所产生的破坏程度进行了比较。

    The possibility analysis of chemical explosion in the reactor and some concrete calculation were given , and then compared with the damage of the actual failure .

  7. 论述了尿素厂发生化学爆炸的浓度极限、能量极限以及在高温高压条件下的爆炸范围;

    It was discussed for concentration limit of chemical explosion caused in urea plant , energy limit and explosion scope under the conditions of high temperature and high pressure ;

  8. 在容器内实施化学爆炸时,容器内壁上冲击波载荷的确定是进行爆炸容器结构动力响应分析、安全评估和工程设计的基础。

    For chemical explosions in vessels , the determination of impact load on the inner-wall of vessels is the basis of structural dynamic analysis , safety evaluation and engineering design of explosion-containment vessels .

  9. 结果表明,如果尿塔未存在严重缺陷,塔内物料发生化学爆炸所产生的能量不足以造成两起事故尿塔塔体的严重爆破和周边环境的巨大破坏。

    It indicated that the energy generated from the chemical explosion of material in the reactor could not cause a serious fracture of the two urea reactors and great damage to the surroundings .

  10. 其他人质疑将这样一个工厂建立在天津的决定。天津在8月发生了一场致命的化学爆炸,导致173人死亡。他们担心执法不严可能加剧本已复杂的问题。

    Others questioned the decision to build such a plant in Tianjin , the site of a deadly chemical explosion in August that killed 173 , fearing lax law enforcement could compound an already complicated issue .

  11. 结合爆炸现场的燃烧痕迹以及事故后对钢瓶内残余气体的分析结果,认为爆炸事故是因氮气瓶误装了氧气,从而在工作过程中发生了化学爆炸而引起。

    On the basis of the analysis on the combustion vestige of the explosion spot and the remaining gas in the vessel , the final conclusion is that oxygen was unconsciously filled in nitrogen vessel and the chemical explosion burst out during the accumulator operation .

  12. 人为失误和缺乏监管,一直被归结为导致今年其他几起致死灾难的原因。这些灾难包括今年8月摧毁港口城市天津的化学爆炸事故、今年6月的长江沉船事故以及上海新年庆典时的踩踏事故。

    Human error and lack of oversight have been blamed for contributing to other deadly disasters in China this year including a chemical explosion that devastated the port city of Tianjin in August , a ferry that sank on the Yangtze river in June and a stampede at New Year 's celebrations in Shanghai .

  13. 人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。

    It 's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded .

  14. 昨天晚上只是化学设备爆炸?

    That was just your chemistry set that blew up last night ?

  15. 纤维素的均相化学反应爆炸焊接与相图

    The Homogeneous Reactions of Cellulose EXPLOSION WELDING AND PHASE DIAGRAMS

  16. 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。

    His absent-mindedness during the experimenting nearly caused an explosion of the chemical .

  17. 而昨天的接下来的化学火灾爆炸造成2名工人死亡,77人受伤。

    The explosion subsequent chemical fire yesterday killed two workers and injured 77 others .

  18. 8月12日,天津港化学仓库爆炸已造成114人死亡。

    The death toll for the August 12 blasts at a chemicals warehouse in Tianjin Port has risen to 114 people .

  19. 对空分主冷发生化学性爆炸的机理进行了探讨,并针对天津乙烯空分装置的实际情况提出具体的主冷防爆措施。

    In addition , the anti-explosion measures of the main condenser according to air separation plant of Tianjin ethylene factory are suggested .

  20. 位于长江三角洲地区的常州市发生化学厂爆炸事故,目前没有伤亡报告。

    No casualties are being reported following an explosion which ripped through a chemical plant in the city of Changzhou in the Yangtze River Delta .

  21. 通过火灾爆炸事故危害后果模拟分析和道化学火灾爆炸危险指数评价法,确定了装置发生火灾爆炸后的损失和伤害。

    Through the fire against the consequences of the explosion simulation analysis and Dow Chemical fire explosion hazard index evaluation method to obtain device exploded after a fire loss and injury .

  22. 声表面波(surfaceacousticwave,SAW)传感器是一类新兴检测化学毒气和爆炸物的传感器,因其独特的优越性,近年来受到广泛的关注。

    Surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) sensor is a new kind of sensor to detect chemical poison gas and explosives . This sensor attracted considerable attention because of its many advantages .

  23. 以气源厂内的LPG为研究对象,阐述气源厂的特征,选择DOW化学火灾、爆炸指数法对气源厂进行安全评价研究,确定经过安全措施补偿系数补偿后的危险程度;

    Regarding LPG in the gas factory as the research object and using DOW chemical fire and explosion methods to evaluate and research the gas factory , and then make sure of the danger degree after taking safe compensation measures .

  24. 接下来,他取来一袋化学肥料然后爆炸了它!

    Next , he fetched a bag of chemical fertilizer and exploded it !

  25. 1908年俄罗斯通古斯大爆炸的地球化学特征和爆炸物体的估计

    The geochemistry of the 1908 Tunguska explosion and estimation of the explosive body

  26. 道化学火灾、爆炸指数分析法在油库安全评价中的应用

    Application of Dow Chemical Fires and Explosive Index Analysis Method in Oil Depot Safety Evaluation

  27. 采用道化学火灾、爆炸指数评价法进行定量评价,定量地对液态烃罐区及所贮存物料的实际潜在火灾、爆炸危险性进行了分析评价。

    The paper uses the Dow Chemical fire , explosion index evaluation method for quantitative evaluation , and quantitative analyzes the actual potential fire and explosion risk of the liquid hydrocarbon tank area .

  28. 运用道化学火灾、爆炸危险指数法对齐鲁石化公司腈纶厂丙烯罐区的火灾、爆炸风险进行了分析评价,从而提出了预防火灾爆炸事故的建议和措施。

    Fire and explosion assessment for the propylene tank farm of the acrylic fiber plant is performed using the Dow F & EI in Qilu petro-chemical company . So , suggestion and measure are offered to prevent the fire and explosion accidents .

  29. 利用道化学公司火灾爆炸危险指数法安全风险评价程序对茂名石化乙烯公司环氧乙烷/乙二醇装置进行了安全评价,并提出了改进措施。

    The risk assessment for epoxyethane / glycol plant of Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene Industrial Com ˉ pany was carried out by utilized the risk assessment proce ˉ dure of risk index method of fire and explosion of Dow Chemical Company , and improvement measures are sug ˉ gested .

  30. 化学放热系统热爆炸潜在危险性评价

    Potential Risk Evaluation of Thermal Explosion for Exothermic Reaction System