
bāo pí
  • prepuce;wrapping;surface;wrapper;exterior;foreskin acrobystia
包皮 [bāo pí]
  • (1) [wrapping]∶包装外皮

  • 撕开包裹的包皮

  • (2) [foreskin]∶覆盖阴茎龟头的一层皮肤皱襞

  • (3) [prepuce]∶覆盖阴蒂头的皮肤皱襞

  • (4) [exterior;surface]∶外表

  • 谈的是公案比语,论的是外像包皮。--《西游记》

包皮[bāo pí]
  1. 包皮过长应该在什么时候治疗最好?

    Is wrapping too long when should treating best ?

  2. 非感染性的是由于局部刺激,包皮垢刺激等引起的。

    As a result of , be not those who affect a gender is local stimulation , wrapping dirty stimulation cause .

  3. 她给短外衣的袖口包皮边。

    She bound the cuffs of a jacket with leather .

  4. 坏死性包皮炎以肥育牛场的阉牛和公牛呈现包皮外翻性肿胀,水肿和坏死为特征。

    Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling , edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls .

  5. CO2激光包皮环切整形手术的临床效果观察

    Plastic Surgery of Circumcision with CO_2 Laser : Clinical Observation

  6. CO2激光包皮环切术300例报告

    Report of 300 Cases with CO 2 Laser Circumcision

  7. 包皮发育及其与HIV感染关系的研究

    Study on Foreskin Development and the Relationship between Foreskin and HIV Infection

  8. 小儿CO2激光包皮环切术的护理体会

    Nursing Experience of Children Circumcision with CO_2 Laser

  9. 方法将318例包皮环切患者随机分为两组:A组直接缝合法112例和B组交叉压条缝合法206例。

    Methods 318 cases were divided at randon into two groups : Group A : 112 cases by direct suture ;

  10. 阴道开放、包皮分离比对照组延迟2~3d。

    Vaginal opening and preputial separation were postponed up to 2 ~ 3 days compared to control .

  11. 男性包皮环切有我们正在期待的HIV疫苗好吗?

    Is male circumcision as good as the HIV vaccine we 've been waiting for ?

  12. 包皮尖锐湿疣不同区域HPV(6,11)DNA的表达及临床意义

    Expression and clinical significance of HPV 6,11 DNA in different areas of pointed condyloma in prepuce

  13. YAG激光切除包皮的探讨

    YAG laser application in preputial resection

  14. 材料和方法:()选取CA活检标本65例、28例正常人包皮标本。

    Materials and methods : ( 1 ) Sixty five bioptic CA samples and 28 normal men foreskins were collected .

  15. 目的探讨CO2激光加改良式包皮环切术治疗包皮过长尖锐湿疣的临床效果。

    Objective : Effect of Study CO2-Laser add reform-type circumcision treat patients with condyloma acuminatum and redundant prepuce .

  16. 方法在行常规CO2激光包皮环切术中,将整形美容的方法贯穿始终。

    Methods Combining plastic aesthetic methods and CO_ 2 laser circumcision treatment for patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce .

  17. Bcl-2在CA的表达率为66.67%,正常包皮组织中未见Bcl-2蛋白表达。

    The positivity rate of Bcl-2 in CA was 66.67 % , while no expression of Bcl-2 in prepuce tissues .

  18. 目的:探讨包皮尖锐湿疣(CA)患者不同区域HPV6,11DNA的表达与复发的关系。

    Purpose : Approaching into the relationship between the HPV 6 , 11 DNA expression in different area and the relapse of pointed condyloma .

  19. 由于这个试验在两个群体中具有明显不同,数据安全和监督委员会(DataSafetyandMonitoringBoard)对此提出了建议,随后试验被终止,所有参与者都进行了包皮切除。

    Because of the marked difference between the two groups , and following the advice of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board , the trial was stopped and all participants were offered circumcision .

  20. 去年在南非开展的试验对象为3000人的首个大型临床试验,发现包皮环切术使HIV感染风险下降了60%。

    The first major clinical trial , of3,000 men in South Africa , found last year that circumcision cut the HIV risk by60 percent .

  21. WHO官员预测,如果男性包皮环切术被广泛地采用,那就能在未来几年使数以万计的人避免感染HIV;

    If male circumcision were widely adopted , officials predicted that could help to avert tens of thousands of HIV infections in coming years ;

  22. 目的探讨将整形美容的方法引入CO2激光包皮环切术中治疗包皮过长及包茎的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of combining plastic aesthetic methods with CO_ 2 laser circumcision on patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce .

  23. LI组包皮腺绝对和相对重量与NI、HO、HI组相比显著减轻(p<0.05)。

    Absolute and relative weight of preputial gland in group LI decreased markedly compared with group NI , HO and HI ( p < 0.05 ) .

  24. 为降低HIV性传播或性传播疾病采取了很多预防措施,包括禁欲、一夫一妻制、常规使用安全套以及男性包皮环切术。

    Many HIV prevention approaches are used to decrease the risk of HIV transmission and infection , including abstinence , monogamy and regular use of condoms .

  25. 目的:探讨CO2激光包皮环切术是否能降低伴包皮过长的尖锐湿疣(CA)患者的复发率。

    Objective : To investigate on the effect of CO_2 laser circumcision on patients with recurrence of condyloma acuminata ( CA ) combined with redundant prepuce .

  26. 结论将整形美容的方法引入CO2激光包皮环切术中,伤口愈合良好,外形美观,疗效满意。

    Conclusion Combining plastic aesthetics methods with CO_ 2 laser circumcision for patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce can obtain ideal aesthetic results and satisfactory efficacy .

  27. 方法:采用胶原酶V游离毛囊,0.5%分离酶消化婴幼儿包皮。

    Methods : Hair follicles of normal human scalp were isolated by collagenase V treatment . The epidermis taken from children 's foreskin was treated with 0.5 % dispase .

  28. 结论CO2激光加改良式包皮环切术治疗包皮过长尖锐湿疣,可提高治愈率,减少复发率。

    Conclusion : CO2-Laser and reform-type circumcision treat patients with condyloma acuminatum and redundant prepuce , It can rise the cure rates and decreases the recurrent rates .

  29. 为探寻一种更简单、安全的包皮环切手术方法,对300例患者在局麻下,用CO2激光在直视下行包皮环切术。

    To establish a simple and safe mode of circumcision , three hundred patients with redundant prepuce underwent CO 2 laser circumcision under local anesthetic on outpatient department .

  30. 方法:采用荧光探针定量基因分析技术检测45例包皮CA患者的皮损区与非皮损区HPV6,11DNA的表达情况,电灼治疗后随访3~6个月,观察复发情况。

    Methods : Adopting the technology of the quantitative genetic analysis with fluorescent probe , to detect the HPV 6,11 DNA expression of the involved and uninvolved prepuce CA areas in 45 cases .